Information Technology And Organizational Growth

Information Technology And Organizational Growth

Information Technology And Organizational Growth

Lucky Ezeinuaku
Lucky Ezeinuaku

The traditional approach in running both small and large organizations experienced many challenges, from difficulty in collecting organizational data to lack of proper storage system of data, and lots more.

As days continue to unfold, a lot of development has taken place in the business world. One of the most significant developments today in the business world and other human endeavors is information technology.

Information Technology is the study or use of computerized systems for collecting, storing, retrieving, and distributing information from one user to another or within a group of users.

Information technology brought a digital revolution into the business world in business operations such as accounts management, human resource management, organization database management, etc.

Many organizations have engaged and continue to employ information technology to scale up their business growth in all areas. Those who are yet to engage in information technology ultimately cannot rise beyond certain limitations because of information technology's significant roles in every business and industry.

Roles of Information Technology in Organizational Growth

Growth and development in organizations cannot be wholly realized without information technology. Hence, the importance of information technology to business/organizational growth cannot be over-emphasized.

The following are some of the irrefutable significant roles information technology plays in engendering the growth and expansion of organizations globally.

· Improved Communication System

One of the most famous roles of information technology that has enhanced the growth of organizations globally is improved communication systems. Organizations can have the opportunity to leverage IT for effective communication via platforms such as email, company intranet network, conferencing software, video chat, and across other internet platforms.

Information technology has broken the barrier of distance in business operations. Staff within an organization both at the head office and in other branches can quickly receive information from top executives via IT systems. Hence, organizations can operate from different locations globally without any communication lacuna that interrupts their smooth running.

Therefore, organizations can expand from one office or locality to another since they are not limited by distance. Information technology ensures that an organization's operations can take place in any location in the world, but it seems as though everything is being done within the headquarters.

The outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic revealed how business operations would have been significantly altered if information technology had not resolved what would have been a challenge during the lockdown. The innovations designed a long time ago to enable organizations to leverage IT platforms for online virtual meetings, reporting, training, etc., without spending so much time and money curbed the limitations of the pandemic.

· Efficient Customer Service

Information technology has also helped improve organizations' efficiency in serving their customers, especially organizations with global operations with customers worldwide. It has helped to enable customers to access whatever information they need about an organization at any time and anywhere they are.

Via E-commerce, IT has made it easy for clients to access the products and services of an organization online without any direct contact for transacting. Customers can search, select, order, and make payments for goods and services online without establishing physical connections.

IT also ensures that customers can also enjoy the comfort and save time while purchasing the goods and services of an organization, as they are delivered at the convenience of the clients.

Therefore, organizations (especially small businesses) that still engage in one-on-one business operations with clients will continue to face many limitations, such as the one posed by the lockdown due to the covid-19 pandemic. For such organizations, it is high time they switched to leveraging on IT.

· Improved Accounting and Financial Management

The traditional manual bookkeeping accounting system has gradually gone into extinction as more sophisticated systems such as accounting software have been introduced into the management of organizations' financial data.

Accounting software such as QuickBooks, Wave Accounting, etc., helps organizations effectively manage real-time financial transactions, back up critical financial data, automate routine tasks, and check for errors automatically.

The use of accounting software helps to save time, energy, and money in recruiting and paying the required number of employees to do the job manually. The acronym SYSTEM is interpreted as "Save Yourself Some Time Energy and Money."

· Efficient Database Management

One of the most appreciated roles of information technology is the storage, protection, accessibility, and retrieval of organizations' data. Many organizations have successfully created a database in the cloud through cloud computing where they store vital information for future use.

The data are also assured of maximum security for the protection of organizations' sensitive information and easy accessibility of the data stored in the cloud by authorized staff of the organization irrespective of their location.

Cloud computing also ensures the possibility of retrieving any lost information that organizations can no longer access from their traditional storage system. Cloud storage also offers unlimited storage capacity for organizations with voluminous files that most conventional storage systems cannot accommodate.

· Effective Advertisement and Marketing

IT opens businesses up to unlimited opportunities in getting their products and services to the targeted consumers and the necessary platforms for the sales of those products and services. Organizations have continued to leverage on creating targeted marketing campaigns via social media, search engine ads, and email.

Many organizations leverage E-commerce via operating online stores to get information about their products and the products to a more extensive consumer base. Most organizations leverage platforms like Amazon, eBay, Shopify, etc., in serving their global customer base.

Your organization can leverage information technology to boost its growth and expansion in serving a larger consumer community globally.


Almost every organization is taking advantage of the numerous benefits that information technology provides for their businesses—both small and large organizations leverage information technology for growth and expansion.

You too can leverage these benefits by working with Upstack, where you can easily access sophisticated software engineers and developers who possess what it takes to design systems (software) that can improve your organization's accounting system, database management via cloud computing advertising and marketing, etc.

Contact us now at Upstack and let us walk you through the journey of seamless access to experts with the kind of skills you need to move your organization forward.

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