Strategic Management for Organizational Success

Strategic Management for Organizational Success

Strategic Management for Organizational Success

Lucky Ezeinuaku
Lucky Ezeinuaku

Organizational success is largely dependent on the various strategies introduced in their management system. Unsuccessful organizations are most likely engaging poor managerial approaches. In contrast, the big organizations we know around are committed to ensuring that the best strategies are employed for their success no matter the cost and the time it takes.

Strategic Management is a combination of both “Strategy and Management”. A strategy is a methodic action plan designed for the actualization of organizational goals and objectives.

Management has to do with the appropriate and timely use of available resources (both human and material) for the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.

Therefore, Strategic Management is the continuous planning, analysis, monitoring, coordination, and assessment of all resources and other necessities required to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.

The business environment of every organization is consistently experiencing one change or another; hence, it is also essential for the organization to always assess their strategies in alignment with those changes to enable them to actualize their goals and objectives. This article unveils 7 solid roles of strategic management for organizational success.

6 Roles of Strategic Management for Organizational Success

Establishes Strategic Focus (Vision)

One of the foremost roles of strategic management is establishing a strategic vision for an organization. The introduction of strategic management helps organization leaders define their organization’s focus, direction, or vision. It enables them to communicate the vision to lower-level managers and the organization’s entire workforce so that everyone can work towards accomplishing the same goal irrespective of their departments or units.

Establishing a strategic vision for an organization has great motivational value, as every member of the organization is inspired by a common sense of purpose. They work daily on their specific tasks believing that someday the organization would arrive at the point where they become the picture set before them years ago (vision accomplishment).

Creates Competitive Advantage and Superior Performance

The business world is competitive. It is the reason why there are amalgamation and takeover in business. The weaker organizations merge with, the stronger ones when they realize that they are gradually becoming irrelevant in their industry. At the same time, some giant firms take over or buy out other smaller firms from the industry because of their economic and managerial capacity.

Strategic management opens organizational leaders to the trends in their industry and how they can be incorporated into their business to enable them to have a competitive advantage over their competitors in the industry, thereby making them perform better in their space.

Alignment with Trends

Strategic management enables organizations to monitor changes and current trends in their industry and the best possible ways to adapt to those changes to align with the market trends.

One major trend in the business world is the migration of organizations’ data to the cloud for more sophisticated operations. Also, artificial intelligence is continuously being built into organizations’ software to enable staff to work efficiently with great productivity, which helps achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Therefore, strategic organizational leaders must engage these trends to enable their organization to rank top in their industry. This need requires organizational leaders to identify the areas where their organization needs to improve and engage the right service provider that can help the organization fill that gap, such as cloud computing, software development, engineering, web building, development, etc.

Marching with Globalization

The changes and trends that constantly invade the business world have separated organizations into cadres. While some organizations struggle to satisfy only customers within their locality, others are expanding their customer base globally. As a result that, their level of profitability continues to surge.

Strategic management opens an organization up to the opportunities available in the global sphere and to tap into such opportunities. It also enables organizations to figure out the production, design, distribution, and service systems to enable their goods and services to reach the global market.

Combating the Status Quo for Creativity

Strategic management is very conscious of the effect of remaining at the status quo. It, therefore, challenges the status quo and enables a high level of creativity that will result in organizational growth and expansion.

Strategic management challenges the mentality of organizational leaders, creates a sense of urgency for change, boosts risk-taking capacity, and enhancing the capacity for organizational leaders to engage in new approaches through experimentation without the fear of failure.

It is dangerous to stick to the traditional ways of operating in your industry. Change is a constant phenomenon; hence, it must be taken into consideration. Therefore, organizational leaders must find new ways of running their company to sustain relevance as far as their industry is concerned.

Employees Empowerment and Motivation

An organization whose employees are demoralized by their operation rather than motivated will soon fizzle out of the industry.

There are many reasons why employees are discouraged, thereby affecting their level of productivity in an organization. Examples of such reasons are; lack of sense of belonging, workplace stress, poor salaries and remuneration, multitasking, etc.

Apart from the other challenges, workplace stress and multitasking can be properly managed if an organization engages in using software and other technology strategies that enhance employees’ proficiency on the job.


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