The Perfect Remote Workspace

The Perfect Remote Workspace

The Perfect Remote Workspace

Evelina Stoian
Evelina Stoian

Chances are even if you have a traditional 9 to 5, at some point in time you have worked or will work remotely. This is the general direction of a trend that sees the world shifting to more remote work positions.

Individuals that work remotely have the option to get their job done practically anywhere and this article highlight some of the essentials of a well-equipped remote workspace.

Good Internet Connection

Our founder's work set up in NYC

This one is quite obvious and reliable fast internet service is the foundation of being able to function well in any remote job and should be considered a minimum requirement. The volume of data consumed streaming, videoconferencing, uploading, and downloading files demands proper internet to keep up with the pace of technology.

Calendar and Note Pads

Our COO George Cretu's pooch, Oscar, modeling for a 2018 calendar ??

Whether it's a digital calendar, like Calendly, or one featuring your favorite pooch like the one above, staying organized is vital to every remote worker. Since you are not physically with your coworkers, it's up to you to stay on top of your own time. This is also important as your timeliness can affect the workflow on collaborative efforts. And when it comes to note pads, choose what works best for you. Some people love the satisfaction of putting an actual pen to actual paper. But in our world, where technology reigns supreme, voice notes and collaborative document editors like Google Docs or Asana are perfect for keeping track of project and meeting notes.

A Clock or Two or Three

Screenshot of the world clock on an iPhone 7

Keeping time in the equation not for clock watching but because it is possible that remote teams may include team members that reside or travel to different time zones and monitoring relevant time zones will help to keep everyone on the same page. iPhone's world clock feature is pretty awesome in this case.

An Updated Computer and Cellphone


This is another well, duh moment. But if you want to work remotely having the proper technology is a true minimum requirement in addition to a fast internet connection. So throw out that dinosaur of an HP from '97 and make sure your equipment is new enough to be able to upgrade software so you won't have a problem with sharing, creating, and receiving newer file formats that everyone should be able to open. Your computer or phone should also be updated with hardware and software needed for collaboration - think webcams for video conferencing and skype for international calls.

Refreshment Station

Upstack Dev keeps his smoothie nearby

Always have your favorite beverage and snack stationed close to the work environment, staying hydrated and fed ensures those juices are always flowing.

Yoga Mat or Exercise Equipment


There is a common misconception that remote workers sit by the beach with a laptop, but remote jobs require intense commitment with workers sometimes getting lost in the matrix. Many times, distributed or remote personnel sit in one location hours on end, and to avoid burnout it is advisable to include elements of self-improvement in the work environment. Yoga or other types of exercise helps keep remote workers healthy, alert, and focused.

Great Lighting

Light has been shown to affect mood and productivity, ensuring that a remote workstation is well lit should be a primary concern when building a great space.

Ergonomic seat and workstation tools

A lot of time is spent in remote workspaces, so it should be a priority to ensure that tables, seats, stands, and any other equipment used repetitively or for long periods of time should be ergonomic in order to avoid overuse injuries.

Nature / Art

Upstack Product Manager Meeta enjoying the outdoors while working

Inspiration can come in many forms surrounding a work area with beautiful art and nature (succulents, anyone?) serve to enhance mood and creativity and can also improve focus.

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