Ask a Dev: Milan Vasic

Ask a Dev: Milan Vasic

Ask a Dev: Milan Vasic

Evelina Stoian
Evelina Stoian

How long have you been part of Upstack's Community?

I’ve been here since October, so a little over half a year.

What's the latest project that you've been working on?

The latest one is a project from InvisionApp. I’m a member of the NEON team that owns a few different projects.  At the moment my main focus is on the implementation of migration tools.

Any accomplishments on the last project, until now?

So far nothing special, but this is only at the start. One of the coolest things that I am doing now is mentoring an intern, so I'm quite happy with that as well.

Where's your favorite place to work?

Somewhere where it's really quiet. Either my home office or at my parent's place in their attic. That place served as my home office when I was still living with them.

What's your favorite productivity hack?

I try to keep all my tasks on a TODO list. That way I feel I'm quite organized and know exactly what I have to do. I also love to take breaks often and rarely work 2 hours without any breaks. This way I keep myself fresh and focused.

What do you do when you need to get creative?

Play with my kids, listen to some music, take a shower, go outside and walk a bit or play basketball. After any of these activities, my mind is quite clear and ideas plus creativity are on it's highest performance.

What's your favorite element in the work you do?

The fact is that I'm constantly learning and taking on new challenges. Without these two, my life would be super boring!

What's your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?

Spending time with my kids, basketball, and traveling. These are my top 3. Besides these, I like to spend as much time as possible outside and enjoy nature.

What's your favorite way to relieve stress?

Definitely doing some kind of physical exercise.

What's your favorite joke?

Usually, I love jokes about politicians and domestic jokes in general, but to be honest, most of them are very hard to translate into English.

But, here goes nothing:

After a plastics surgery, the doctor asks the patient if she is satisfied with the size of her breasts. She answered: Yes I am, but now I want one more surgery to make my eyes a bit bigger! No problem madam, I’ll show you the bill! :)

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