Object Oriented Programming with C# - Introduction

Object Oriented Programming with C# - Introduction

Object Oriented Programming with C# - Introduction

Andrei Moraru
Andrei Moraru

1. Topics of discussion

In this tutorial, we kick start our Object-Oriented Programming adventure. So, let's have some fun.

2. Course topics

Hello and welcome to the first tutorial of the Object-Oriented Programming with C# course. This is a course dedicated to the core concepts of one of the most widely used programming paradigms and to ease our learning, from now on we are going to use the OOP acronym, so as to avoid writing the whole paradigm name every time.

OOP is used in just about any application you can think of, from web applications to mobile applications. And while some other paradigms have gained significant traction, it's still a viable option for small to medium-sized applications.

During this course, we are going to take a look at the following concepts:

  • classes and objects
  • constructors and garbage collection
  • OOP principles
  • abstract classes and interfaces
  • virtual methods

We will be using C# as the programming language for this course. And while it's not going to be the main focus, we are going to discuss some important C# language and syntax aspects when needed.

OOP is a paradigm supported in many languages, including but not limited to Java, C++, C#, etc. It's important to look at this paradigm in relation to procedural programming. Now, procedural programming is focused mostly on writing functions that do some operations with the data that they have.

Object-Oriented Programming, on the other hand, focuses on the idea of creating objects that contain both data and functions. We'll get into this more in the next lessons but for now, what's important to remember is that OOP is based on modeling objects from the real world, but in a more abstract kind of way. We won't be needing each and every aspect that describes an object. That's why you'll hear a lot of talk about abstraction when it comes to writing code using this paradigm.

One of the more important aspects that OOP helps you with is the Don't Repeat Yourself coding principle (or DRY), which, as its name suggests, is used to make sure that you have no duplicate code in your app. This is done through its core principles, which we will discuss in future tutorials.

So yeah, that about covers it for this tutorial. In the next one, we are going to set up our environment so as to be able to actually write some code. See you then.

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