React Debugging Tools
![React Debugging Tools](
React Debugging Tools
Debugging an application is the most crucial part of the complete React Native development process before the application gets to its production phase.
This is the same case for other programming languages and web technologies too. Debugging involves the thorough inspection of code to fish out errors in the development process.
React developers should fix these bugs during the development process rather than waiting to fix them on the fly after deployment.
So then, how do you debug your React applications?
Well, developers use numerous React debugging tools to debug their code efficiently, saving time and money.
If you need some of the best React debugging tools, we have some suggestions that will simplify your workflow.
Chrome DevTools
The 'Chrome DevTools' is one of the most popular tools among React developers when debugging an app’s code.
The tool is powered by JavaScript and enables developers to \debug both mobile and web apps successfully. The remote debugging abilities of the React Native Framework. Enable it to support the 'Chrome DevTools' by default.
How do you debug React using Chrome DevTools?
When your React Native app is running on an Android emulator, you can access the in-app developer menu by entering 'Cmd+M' if you’re on a Mac, 'Ctrl+M' if you’re on Windows.
When the app runs on a real device, simply shake the device, and a menu will appear. To open the Google Chrome debugger from this menu, click on "Debug JS Remotely."
Next, press the 'Cmd+Option+I' on your Mac device or 'Ctrl+Shift+I' if you use Windows to open developer tools.
By using the console statement, you can now debug the app and view your code by clicking on the Developers Tool Sources tab and open-sourcing the files.
Red Boxes and Yellow Boxes
Red boxes and yellow boxes are tools used specifically in displaying errors.
When an app throws an error, a red box will be displayed with the error description.
You can request for the display by writing "tools.error." It should, however, be noted that this error message doesn't work in production, so you should take extra care to make sure that you get rid of them before production.
The Redbox is every developer's companion because it points out their errors and gives suggestions on how to fix them; this is absent in the console.
Let's say, for example, you are writing a style property that is unsupported by React Native, or maybe a property used for a specific element, like setting a background image for the view element.
The Redbox will not only display an error but will also suggest the supported style properties you can use for the view.
Unlike red boxes, yellow boxes are used in displaying warnings. You can disable them by adding the line of code shown below in the index.js in the root directory of your app.
import {YellowBox} from 'react-native'; YellowBox.ignoreWarnings(['Warning: ...']);
We don’t recommend turning off the yellow boxes, as they can be very invaluable. When you are experiencing performance problems or deprecated code, they always warn you.
You can always use the yellow box element from the react-native to display a particular warning.
React Native Debugger
This is a solo application that’s available for devices like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. If you make use of Redux while coding your React Native Application, this is for you.
It supports merging with most other Debugging tools, including React's Developer Tools and the Redux DevTools, to exhibit the maximum and quality results.
Another advantage is that just like the React developer tools, it requires no setup. Because it contains all the vital components needed for mobile development in React Native, maintaining the top spot in our recommendation list for React developers.
You can view the Redux logs and actions through an interface for React Developer tools to study and debug the components of React.
It has a seamless installation process and also gives lets you carefully study and correct the React elements by the toggle inspector from the Dev Menu.
Reactotron is an open-source application for desktops that was designed in 2016 by infinite red.
It is the most preferred substitute for the React Native Debugger due to its feature similarities. It is available across most operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Apart from its proficiency in debugging React and React Native, Reactotron also has Tractor, a tool that can conveniently track your app status and keep track of the console.log messages, API requests, audits, and implement other vital actions.
Its installation is a breeze, and Its versatility and ability to merge the Redux actions with console responses all attest to the prowess of this React Native Debugging tool.
React Native CLI
The react native CLI is mainly used for the development of React Native app but sometimes can be used as a debugging tool.
Important information about the dependencies and libraries in the app can be gotten from React Native Command Line interface.
This vital information can be used to debug some bugs that occur due to a mix-up of numerous tools that are being used for your app development.
While this isn't the most intuitive solution for debugging React Native apps, it works if you're proficient enough. Also, some tasks are simpler on the CLI.
In short, every React developer should be familiar with the command-line interface.
Nuclide-Atom's Plug-in
An open-source React Native plugin that works on top of Atom, a famous IDE developed by GitHub. If you write all of your code primarily in Atom, this may be the only debugging tool you’ll ever need.
The debugger has strong community support and gives you the help you need to implement any of your tasks using Nuclide. It has a built-in aid for the React Native Framework.
Also, Nuclide ships with an extra set of components and extensions, helping you code using Flow, JavaScript, and the React UI library.
Numerous notable features make Nuclide a no-brainer. Inline errors, jump-to-definition features, Remote JavaScript development, and built-in debugging are some of the features that show that this plugin is second to none.
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