Security & Network Specialist - E-learning platform Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
The Remote Learning Platform of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is used to conduct courses using distance learning methods and techniques. All courses are designed using the Moodle platform (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). Engineered, deployed, and maintained global data protection for the e-learning platform. Technologies used in the project: Linux, Docker, Ansible, Bash, vSphere, Web Security, WAF, TCP/IP, Virtualization, Debian, X.509, X11, Vim, Haproxy, Nginx, Postfix, PostgreSQL.
Unix Security IT Engineer - Secure external collaboration project for UBS
Deployed, and maintained global data protection for at rest and on the move solutions within the Secure external collaboration project for UBS. Performed installations on test environments and managed installation orders to production. Offered insights and consulting on data protection topics for the development teams. Technologies used in the project: Linux, Docker, Ansible, TCP/IP, VmWare, Vim, Debian, Web Security, Vultr, vSphere, Bash, Automation.
Chief Information Security Officer - External clients portal infrastructure for Intrum
Acted as CISO for an external clients portal infrastructure project, performing tasks related to network, infrastructure, mission critical tasks, production environment, and research & development. Technologies used in the project: Linux, Docker, Ansible, Bash, X.509, X11, Wireshark, Wildfly, Web Security, WAF, TCP/IP, VmWare, Debian, Vim, Haproxy, Postfix, PostgreSQL.
IT Security and Network Specialist - Practical Aspects of Computer Networks course for students of University of Wrocław
The program emphasizes practical aspects of Computer Engineering and can be adapted to the student's interest. Responsible for designing and maintaining the infrastructure, security, servers, and network for the University platform. Technologies used in the project: Linux, Unix, Web Security, Nginx, Haproxy, Bash, X.509, X11, Wireshark, vSphere, TCP/IP, VMWare, Virtualization, Debian, Vim, Postfix, PostgreSQL.