I am a Product Owner with end-to-end product lifecycle expertise for requirement gathering and business analysis - creating jargon-free, easy-to-understand executive updates and knowledge articles to undertake technology changes. I create roadmaps, wireframes and requirement documents using industry trends and business requirements to deliver design experiences that drive productivity and enhance end-user satisfaction on projects.
Audited and determined the functional credibility and accuracy of solutions on Kroll's compliance portal utilized by corporate clients across the globe. Evaluated both frontend and backend systems - making process improvements to enhance 3rd-party onboarding by corporate organizations.
Designed and implemented solutions for a single source of truth for customers to log in to any Kroll digital products they have subscribed to through a single platform. Deployed the Employee Workbench functionality as a project management tool for task and timelines management by collaborating with clients and employees of Kroll.
Worked on implementing an innovative security advisory portal on the ECP and CRM service module for enterprise customers of the telco - indicating the list of security advisories and the list of devices they own on the network. The portal uses 3rd-party OEMs like Cisco to send advisories to the portal. Customers can raise a change management ticket to run security upgrade patches on their devices.