Alexandre R.

Alexandre R.

Senior DevOps Engineer

Sao Paulo, Brazil
Hire Alexandre R. Hire Alexandre R. Hire Alexandre R.

About Me

Alexandre is a DevOps and site reliability engineer with over 15 years of experience working with development, Infrastructure, networking, and architecture of on-premise and cloud-based solutions (AWS and GCP). He's worked with many tools, workflows, and languages including Java, Ruby, Python, Lua, SQL, and Bash.

Amazon EC2 DevOps AWS HA Amazon S3 (AWS S3) Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) AWS CloudFormation Amazon EBS Boto 3 Python 3 Flask Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Amazon CloudFront CDN WebLogic Spring Cloud Java

Work history

DevOps Lead | Migration Expert
2020 - Present (5 years)
  • Migrated a group of applications from Mesos/Marathon to EKS (Kubernetes).

  • Led a team of SRE/DevOps engineers to improve the metrics and alarms to the existing application.

  • Increased the application security using AWS SecretManager instead of Git stored config files.

  • Improved application deployment using Jenkins Pipeline Libraries applying Convention over Configuration based on the environment name.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon S3 (AWS S3) Amazon EC2 Amazon CloudFront CDNAmazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)AWS IAM AWS ALB AWS NLB Amazon EKS Amazon EBS DataDogOpsgenie Slackbot Amazon Route 53 AWS SSH Keys AWS Secrets Manager
Code Particle
Senior CI/CD Engineer
2019 - 2020 (1 year)
  • Maintained the CloudFormation templates used to create and update the AWS Infrastructure.

  • Improved the application deployment using CI/CD with rolling deployment and Blue/Green deployment technics.

  • Created Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) deployment to new projects and imported existing AWS resources to Terraform.

  • Created Mongo Atlas clusters using Terraform and integrated them into the other projects.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon EC2 AWS CloudFormationDockerAmazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) ECSPython 3 CI/CD Pipelines Bitbucket
Systems Architect
2018 - 2019 (1 year)
  • Created and maintained a CI/CD system for a front-end application.

  • Maintained a cloud infrastructure creation system suitable to AWS and GCP cloud providers, built using Python, CloudFormation, and deployment management.

  • Maintained infrastructure-as-code tools written in Terraform.

  • Coached and reviewed the performance of five SRE/DevOps engineers to increase the delivery quality and improve the time to market of new features.

  • Wrote training documentation and structured the content among the different levels of knowledge and specialization skills to the newly hired and also to the existing SRE/DevOps Engineers.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Boto 3 TerraformGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP) KubernetesJenkins
Systems Specialist
2017 - 2018 (1 year)
  • Maintained critical systems fixing performance and stability problems.

  • Created a blue/green deployment process and application for the AWS-hosted company systems with configuration options for canary deployment.

  • Led the API Gateway implementation initiative based on the Kong solutions, it involved all development teams where I was responsible to propagate the benefits of the initiative and managed the delivery schedule of each team.

  • Planned and executed load and stress tests in company applications to verify bottleneck points and performance improvement.

  • Maintained Terraform-based Infrastructure as Code solutions.

  • Maintained Chef-based configuration management solutions.

Systems Architect
2015 - 2017 (2 years)
  • Led cross-functional teams about adopting DevOps culture and implement best practices related to Infrastructure As Code (IaC) development quality and decrease deployment time.

  • Automated DevOps procedures by creating applications for business rules handling, CloudFormation (AWS), and Deployment Manager (GCP) template generation, as well as Cloud environment orchestration.

  • Optimized the productivity from a five-day environment creation with several script calls done manually to it, taking 45 minutes with the call of a single script that orchestrates the entire process.

  • Spearheaded the creation of Jenkins pipelines for unit and integration tests of both the environment creation procedures and infrastructure-testing of the environments, allowing infrastructure-as-a-code acceptance tests for the environments.

  • Implemented dockerized environments to enable more parallelized infrastructure testing.

  • Executed high-availability infrastructure migration projects (all services ran in all instances) to a clustered environment (each service runs on its own set of machines), using SaltStack as the configuration manager.

  • Fixed problems in legacy infrastructure scripts/procedures.

  • Architected AWS and GCP cloud resources usage in projects for new environment features.

  • Developed improvements in cloud environments to improve performance and optimize costs.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Boto 3 KubernetesDockerSaltstackPythonJenkinsGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP)
Inmetrics S/A
Senior Performance Analyst (APM)
2014 - 2015 (1 year)
  • Oversaw and responsible for software incident analysis, creating root cause reports.

  • Developed and installed monitoring solutions based on Zabbix—customizing scripts and plugins to provide custom monitoring.

Lumis EIP
Systems Architect
2007 - 2014 (7 years)
  • Automated and orchestrated Linux and Windows servers using configuration management software like Chef, Puppet, and Capistrano.

  • Handled build management with Ant, Maven, Jenkins, and Nexus.

  • Created the architecture of web systems and cloud high availability infrastructure (AWS and Azure).

  • Worked as an infrastructure architect at Petrobras, responsible for the stability of the Lumis portal environment, analyzing and fixing problems in WebLogic and Oracle 11g-based systems.

  • Worked as a software architect at SulAmérica, responsible for system migration projects, development of new solutions, performance optimization, and correction of problems on Lumis Portal and WebSphere systems using Oracle database. Deployed automation solutions in mixed environments and checked the production environment deployment control.

  • Worked as an on-site analyst at, responsible for the stability of Lumis portal environment. Implemented new infrastructure solutions, maintained Windows operating systems and Linux, Java Server, and HTTP Server, cache servers and other back-end applications network, evaluating and resolving infrastructure problems, development, and performance.

  • Designed and developed solutions for network administrators (Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Linux and Solaris), DBAs (SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008, Oracle 9i, 10g and 11g, MySQL 5 and DB2), and web administrators (Java, Tomcat Application Server, JBoss, WebSphere and WebLogic, and IIS).

  • Developed and consulted on web solutions, procedures creation, reports, and statistics using Java code, Groovy, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, SQL, Shell, and .NET.

  • Evaluated, fixed, and improved the performance of web solutions and batches with high availability and performance requirements.

Content Management NetworkingAmazon Web Services (AWS) NexusJenkinsApache MavenJavaPythonChefWindows ServerLinux
AWS Cloud Formation Expert
Present (2025 years)
  • Maintained the CloudFormation templates related to existing AWS resources.

  • Created CDK (AWS Cloud Development Kit) project to automate new resource creation and update. And also imported the existing resources to the CDK project.

  • Improved AWS resource maintainance adding all resources to an IaC (Infrastructure as Code) project, keeping them inventoried.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon EC2 Amazon S3 (AWS S3) Amazon Route 53 DockerAmazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)AWS IAM AWS CloudFormationAWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) Python 3
Systems Engineer {AWS]
Present (2025 years)
  • Maintained Chef receipts, EC2 instances, and Nginx configurations.

  • Fixed deployment problems and updated CI/CD pipelines.

  • Updated AWS profiles and configured CloudWatch Alarms and Dashboards.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amazon EC2 AWS CloudFormation


Pod Provision

Each client has their own cloud infrastructure. Before the project, it took one week to create each environment and was limited to AWS and all-in-one clusters. After the project was completed, the expenditure for environment creation took a mere 45 minutes and could be deployed on AWS and GCP, and clustered architecture.

Monitoring Project

Using Zabbix, I created several monitoring features: • Servers (using auto-deploy) • Networking (using network devices auto-discovery) • VoIP • Links • CloudWatch integration

API Gateway

Using Kong, I created the company's Edge API Gateway to route calls from an API URL to the different microservices. The API Gateway is also responsible for checking authentication and the response login URL to unauthenticated calls.

Blue/Green Deployment

Before the project, deployments caused 5 to 10 minutes in downtime and lacked version synchronization. After the project was completed, the deployments now run with 0 (zero) downtime and all instances ran on the same version.


Master's Degree in Computer Engineering
Universidade Estácio de Sá
2003 - 2005 (2 years)