Cristian is a Senior Software Developer with backend development expertise in building Spring-based microservices. He is proficient with Java frameworks, packages, and web application constructs in implementing distributed low-latency and high-availability systems - migrating monolithic multisource architectures to agile, scalable, and reliable solutions. He has great ease learning new tools, adopting technologies, and embracing best practices on projects.
Designed, developed, and implemented new solutions to transfer the project's monolithic multisource into 30+ microservices.
Devised techniques and executed processes to improve performance and maintain scalability when consuming 3rd-party data on the Expedia Multisource team.
Developed new features to optimize an existing travel system as part of tasks on the Orbitz team.
Worked on AppThing, a ready-to-use platform that allows users to deploy tracking, telemetry, and asset management applications. It comes with built-in features for managing devices, setting geo-fences, a rules engine to trigger alerts, user management, and a full reporting solution. Provided architectural decisions to improve performance and scalability on the platform.
Meltek is a climate-tech platform that helps consumers reduce their carbon footprint by providing rewards for reducing energy use. Participated in processes to deliver the Meltek IoT app (MVP) and implemented solutions to maximize architecture performance.
Migrated a legacy monolithic multisource platform into an agile solution with 30+ microservices. The new platform improved 3rd-party data consumption for Expedia's 3PI content onboarding and acceleration processes with providers.
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires