Software Developer - Crypto Signal
Cryptocurrencies Signals is a service for investors to trade automatically with the necessary research and trading signals about cryptocurrencies. Preferred by professional investors, this service uses special algorithms to direct people to the right crypto money. Developed the back end using Golang, iOS, and Android with Flutter. The purpose of this project is to send a notification to the user when a cryptocurrency will go up and suggest selling when it reaches a certain level. Technologies used: Go, Fiber, PostgreSQL (pgx), BadgerDB, CockroachDB, Firebase, Ristretto, Resty, JWT, Sjson, One Signal, Revenuecat, Flutter, Bloc, Firebase (auth, analytic, cloud messaging, in-app messaging, Crashlytics, performance monitoring), Revenuecat, Dio, Hive, Language Support, Flurry.
Author - Introduction to Embedded Systems with Atmel
This book is for those who do not dare to deal with programming, electronics, and microcontrollers, do not know where to start, and those who want to produce many solutions that will make your life easier with the information described in the book. You will take your first step into this world with ATMEL - ATmega32A integration, which is superior to many of its counterparts in the market. This book is a practice book - if you apply the examples within your possibilities, you can produce and develop your own technological solutions.
Software Developer - Sport Encouragement Application
Created the back end of this project using Go. The application allows users to enter weekly/monthly auto-opening challenge groups that exist for a fee. It takes the activities of users on Strava, Garmin, Fitbit, and Google Health to make calculations. Technologies used: Gin, PostgreSQL (pg), Firebase (Notification, Login (Gmail, Facebook), Analytic), Resty, Get Stream, BadgerDB, Sonic Server, Ristretto, JWT, Paypal Payment System, Gjson, Sjson, Msgpack, Segment, Oauth2, Oauth1, Fusion Auth, Intercom, Mailchimp.
Software Developer - Android MDM Solution
Developed the back end of this project with Go. The project provides the ability to manage Android devices remotely. Device policies (permission, install/uninstall an application, security, log, etc.) and commands (reboot, wipe, set password, etc.). Technologies used: Fiber, PostgreSQL(pgx), Google Cloud, Google Android Management, Pub/Sub, Gjson, Sjson.