This is a website that teaches playing musical instruments. Alone, I've managed to apply a new design to the site with a completely different stack of technologies on the front end. During the transition, the old UI and new UI worked in parallel. The transition has been made gradually to prove the new site works as expected with no business risks.Compare the new site - https://app.worshiponline.com/ and the old site - https://classic.worshiponline.com/.
Toptal Clients
• Integrated and maintained Stripe and PayPal payment systems, the Intacct accounting system with the existing billing system, an invoicing system, and an accounting system• Refactored a monolithic application so that it's ready for microservices architecture• Extracted the billing domain to a separate service
SaaS application (B2C) for fast food stores and everyone.
Stack: Ruby, Grape, RESTful API, AngularJS, Cucumber, Rspec, Jasmine, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Design Patterns, Twilio, Rails, Wkhtmltopdf, ImageMagick, Omni Auth, Elasticsearch, E Fax, Merchant Services, Delayed Job, TaxCloud, Amazon S3, Ansible, SSE (Server Sent Events), Google Maps API
An application which implements the APS standard, a competitor for Parallels.
Stack: Rails, XML, XPath, PostgreSQL, RSpec, TDD, Scrum, APS.
A personal blog where I share my experience and unusual solutions I've invented while working on my projects. This blog helped me become an author and I wrote a book called "Rake Task Management Essentials."
Rake Task Management Essentials
The book I wrote, Rake Task Management Essentials, is a practical guide that covers the latest techniques in building, testing, and debugging Rake tasks to solve real-world automation challenges. The book starts with a basic knowledge of Rake, allowing you to solve repetitive tasks. Then it provides you with information about processes performed with files, which is crucial for understanding the application of the tool.
SaaS eCommerce application and order management system for commercial printers.
Stack: Ruby, Rails, Active Merchant, FedEx/UPS/USPS, jQuery, Ajax, RSpec, MySQL.
Management system for sport trainers and their clients.
Stack: Ruby, Rails, jQuery, Ajax, SMS gateway, RSpec, MySQL.
Ruby Enums Gem
This is a very basic implementation of enums in Ruby. The cornerstone of the library is safety.
Open Source Activity
Contributed to open sourced projects: GetOrBuild, Redmine S3, LocomitiveCMS, Twitter Bootstrap Rails, Devise, InheritedResources, Rails, MultiXML, DataGrid, couchbase-ruby-model, devise.