Cilas B.

Cilas B.

DevOps Engineer

Londrina, Parana, Brazil
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About Me

Cilas is a DevOps Engineer heavily focused on build and deployment systems. He designs and implements solutions on observability, reliability, security, and access governance into systems and processes. Cilas builds and deploys DevOps solutions for multiple products across web and mobile projects and assists the dev team with bugs and new feature implementations using open-source and cloud solutions.

Work history

DevOps Engineer
2021 - Present (4 years)
  • Delivering CI/CD as part of an Agile team to improve performance by automating and streamlining operations and processes.

  • Helping build and improve infrastructure, application, and performance development and ensuring tight security including data encryption, security groups, and environmental scanning.

  • Ensuring high-quality deliverables and implementing DevOps and security best practices in fast-paced environments.

DevOps Engineer
2022 - Present (3 years)
  • Working with K8s in multi-regions to provide a better user experience for end users (gaming industry) using GKE, Helm Charts, Argo CD, Terragrunt, Prometheus, Grafana, Kibana, and Elasticsearch.

  • Enhancing CI/CD tools to facilitate the work and improve the product, simplifying the workflows using Jenkins and GitHub Actions, including E2E tests, stop buttons, more control over environment promotion, scaling up and down for lower environments, saving costs for lots of K8s clusters.

  • Working to better fit thousands of concurrent players such as 250K+ users, providing the necessary architecture to handle the load.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) TerragruntArgo CD DataDogHelmGitHub Actions K8SKubernetesElasticsearch Gaming PrometheusGrafanaKibanaCI/CD JenkinsE2E Testing
Truelogic Software
Truelogic Software
DevOps Engineer
2022 - 2022
  • Migrated Kubernetes apps from AWS (EKS) using Jenkins to GCP (GKE) using GitLab.

  • Worked with a Python tool to deploy Kubernetes apps using Terragrunt, Helm, Vault, GCP, and GitLab.

  • Applied AWS S3 to configure lifecycle policies, security policies, and other configurations to save costs.

DevOps Engineer
2020 - 2022 (2 years)
  • Helped to move Rancher apps using Docker Compose to K8s (35+ apps) using Datadog, Helm Charts, Buildkite, Bitnami Sealed Secrets, and EKS.

  • Worked on Ubuntu 14 upgrade to Ubuntu 20 for EC2 legacy deployments and used Packer and Ansible to create the AMIs.

  • Created custom Terraform modules to facilitate the team's needs such as Lambda, API Gateway, CloudFront, etc. including Datadog monitoring settings and default values.

Support Server Analyst | Monitoring Analyst
2015 - 2020 (5 years)
Londrina, Brazil
  • Implemented DevOps tools to automate manual processes for deploying, managing, configuring, and monitoring solutions.

  • Performed in-depth performance tuning, hardware troubleshooting, and maintenance on servers and cloud solutions.

  • Monitored servers, handled storage and backups, and troubleshot platform and integration issues on systems.


DevOps Engineer - Automatic IAM User Key Rotation
DevOps Engineer - Automatic IAM User Key Rotation

Automated the rotation of the IAM user key process on the project using Python (boto3). The maximum period for an active key on the IAM was 90 days, leading to enhanced security. It uses Lambda to trigger the creation of new keys and push it to the AWS Secret Manager, which deactivates and deletes the old key on the solution.

DevOps Engineer - Patching Servers On-premises
DevOps Engineer - Patching Servers On-premises

Worked on a project that sought to apply patches automatically in Linux and Windows Servers by implementing Ansible AWX for patching servers hosted in a VMware cluster, taking snapshots of servers, stopping the services, applying patches, rebooting, and ensuring that services were up and running.

DevOps Engineer - Datadog Monitoring
DevOps Engineer - Datadog Monitoring

Designed and implemented monitoring solutions to measure metrics and keep processes up to date. Worked with Datadog on implementing log, metrics, and traces for Kubernetes apps and Java-based apps using Helm Chart, Datadog, Kubernetes, Docker.


Associate Cloud Engineer Certification (Expires Mar 2027)
Associate Cloud Engineer Certification (Expires Mar 2027)
2024 - 2024
CKS: Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (Expires Nov 2024)
CKS: Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (Expires Nov 2024)
The Linux Foundation
2022 - 2022
CKA: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (Expires Mar 2025)
CKA: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (Expires Mar 2025)
The Linux Foundation
2022 - 2022
Amazon Web Services Solutions Architect Associate (Expires Jan 2025)
Amazon Web Services Solutions Architect Associate (Expires Jan 2025)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
2022 - 2022
HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (Expired Feb 2023)
HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (Expired Feb 2023)
2021 - 2021
DevOps Essentials
DevOps Essentials
2020 - 2020
B.Eng Computer Engineering
B.Eng Computer Engineering
UNOPAR - Brazil
2012 - 2016 (4 years)