Remis is an experienced Engineer with big data and software development expertise working on data processing pipelines and standards to support business units. He demonstrates an enterprise view and understanding of systems and technologies on projects - handling database architecture, design, installation, maintenance, monitoring and upgrades of database systems. He proposes ways to address problems and validate findings using different approaches.
Provided solutions across different database platforms features/components - enhancing availability, disaster recovery, monitoring, and data collection.
Architected, developed and maintained services on different database platforms on solutions.
Owned and managed small to mid-sized systems on projects - engaging with stakeholders as a bridge with the technical team.
PwCʼs Secure Terrain™ is a cloud-based model for
real-time threat analysis, detection, and remediation.
PwCʼs Secure Terrain solution, powered by the Google
Cloud Platform, provides businesses with the
capabilities to gain a holistic view of their entire
cybersecurity landscape, enabling them to
strategically manage cybersecurity risks and protect
critical assets. Gathered, parsed, and analyzed log files from security systems and firewalls.
The solution is built is open-source technologies & hosted
on Google-Cloud-Platform, and uses dev-ops tools such as Ansible, Git, Jenkins, JIRA, and Confluence for CI/CD. Requirement analysis & build POC
I worked on analyzing sample log files and building data models, as well as built data processing pipelines using Spark-Kafka-ES.
Included new features and modifications based on user
The project was a Graph database to store and retrieve threat intelligence. The solution is built on open-source technologies & hosted
on Google-Cloud-Platform, using best dev-ops tools such as Ansible, Git, Jenkins, JIRA, and Confluence for CI/CD. Used Graph database TITAN to store entity-relations
and to do traversals using Gremlin.
Worked on building REST APIʼs using Python-DRF to
fetch an entity and its relations, also integrating the TI with Analytics solutions for auto-enrich and alerting based on user