Work history

Senior Software Engineer
2018 - Present (6 years)
  • Creating and developing innovative software solutions for clients across a broad range of industries.

  • Participating in scrums consisting of cross-functional teams, both software and hardware.

  • Ensuring that features are being delivered efficiently and on time.

eSpace Technologies
eSpace Technologies
Senior Software Engineer
2018 - 2018
Alexandria, Egypt
  • Managed the development, maintenance, and enhancement of web applications through the full software development lifecycle.

  • Streamlined all communications and launched the first live version of the software.

  • Optimized the major architecture redactors to efficiently adapt to codebase scaling.

Phantasm Solutions
Phantasm Solutions
Senior Software Engineer
2017 - 2018 (1 year)
  • Provided expert advice on new insights for code quality and better codebase scaling.

  • Used SQL triggers to integrate the desktop application, web portal, and delivery system.

  • Developed new software applications for clients using back-end technologies.

Software Engineer
2015 - 2017 (2 years)
Alexandria, Egypt
  • Created new software and executed performance tests for subsystems and components.

  • Developed, maintained, and enhanced web applications for clients.

  • Coached and provided technical support to other software engineers.
Software Engineer
2015 - 2016 (1 year)
Alexandria, Egypt
  • Managed the launch of the second phase of an application with new designs and modules.

  • Redesigned client applications and enhanced unit test code coverage for new systems.

  • Provided regular improvements through learning and sharing via presentations and internal sessions.


Software Engineer -
Software Engineer -

A real estate platform that connects buyers and sellers. Redesigned and launched the new platform, leading to a 1,600% increase in daily visits to the platform. The successful launch of the new platform positioned the company for a few incubation offers from investors. Successfully adapted Scrum for the app workflow.

Software Engineer - Winfooz
Software Engineer - Winfooz

A secure and efficient local car marketplace for B2B and B2C transactions. Integrated a secure payment system and e-signature service for the platform. Achieved and maintained 95% test coverage for the application. Used React.js tools for the first time in the company.

Software Engineer - Grover
Software Engineer - Grover

An online store for selling and renting electronic devices. Managed the full lifecycle of the application, working on a tight budget and project time. The successful app launch led to an injection of investment capital into the venture.

Software Developer - Labour Market Index
Software Developer - Labour Market Index

This was a government-sponsored project to evaluate companies through the opinions of employees. Acted as the lead project manager, followed up on performance queries, and managed client requirements.


BSE Management Information Systems
BSE Management Information Systems
Alexandria University - Egypt
2007 - 2011 (4 years)