I am an expert Ruby on Rails Developer with a decade's worth of expertise and international exposure; iterating high-quality solutions for different client-facing websites/applications, APIs and ETLs. I have 5+ years of remote work experience - working with diverse remote teams to gather functional requirements, develop technical specifications and deliver the right solutions on projects.
Worked on a solution for near real-time monitoring of customer experiences. The solution monitors and records every single aspect of the user experience from IVR to the call centres, websites and other means. This serves as the source data for the production of infographics in the form of dashboards, graphs, flows and reports for the client and enables the team to build wallboards and web apps to explore the data. It has features for an alarm and notification system that detects problems and alerts teams to respond
Developed an online mainframe emulator with support for multi-language translations using Ruby on Rails, Backbone.js, ApolloMQ, MySQL, other JavaScript libs and Ruby gems, and Unix shell scripting. Sped up improvements on the project by automating processes for quick delivery and efficiency.
LMI Connect is a web application for connecting, scraping and handling user interaction with Tesco's legacy s3270 based logistics management (mainframe) system. The system makes deployment and translation of information to group countries in Thai, Hungary, Czech and Korea easy. The app was built with BackboneJS, Underscore/MousetrapJS/JQuery for the frontend app model structure, rendering and DOM manipulation. Contributed to the Redhat Linux, Apache and MySQL installation, configuration and maintenance from sources in a jailed environment.
Engineer's Degree in Computer Software Engineering