I am a Senior Python Developer with expert professional experience coding within Python, a good understanding of core Python concepts and a grasp of some popular Python frameworks and libraries on projects. I am familiar with multi-process architecture, the threading limitations of Python, data modelling and data structure principles for implementing scalable, secure and highly available solutions for clients.
Built and maintained tools to help the Trust and Safety team fast-track and solve trust and safety issues on the platform.
Designed and implemented monitoring and alerting tools to improve observability on Pinterest's Ads interface and Growth system.
Implemented time-series dashboards for monitoring, alerting and reporting on the system and deployed a Chrome extension to check API requests/behaviour.
Led a team of software engineers to deliver software controllers, traffic simulators for traffic optimization and dashboards on the STL project.
Worked on solutions to deploy the STL (Smart Traffic Light) system to four roads.
Designed and implemented the main algorithm on the traffic simulator using SUMO with improved time optimization features for light to medium vehicle traffic.
Worked on Pinqueue, an internal tool that allows Pinterest agents to review and act to keep the platform trusted and safe. Designed and developed solutions to improve the tool using React.js for the frontend and Python/SQL for the backend.
Designed, built and implemented new dashboards on Statsboard, an internal tool that allows Pinterest to monitor alerts based on system metrics - improving the observability of the Ads System. Utilized Python scripts for the dashboard with OpenTSDB and Kibana.
Worked on solutions for Agent, a smart traffic light (hardware and software) platform that uses sensors to identify vehicles using cameras. The platform optimizes traffic flow using the computer vision system input to enhance vehicular flow. Designed and developed solutions for a traffic simulator that runs traffic experiments on the project - achieving 400% traffic optimization.