Diego is a Senior Java/J2EE Software Developer/Architect with 10+ years of diversified technical expertise in software design, development and implementation for both web and desktop applications in areas such as ERP, Finance and Telemedicine. He can work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment utilizing his proven interpersonal, organizational, leadership and oral/written communication skills for the delivery of highly successful projects for clients.
Worked on migrating (and giving support to) a legacy DRT application (tool used for revisioning online money transfers) into a SPA for better user experience and performance.
Took part in the maintenance (advised on improvements to security, stability, performance and memory usage) of an existing B2B rest API (Vault) used for credit card info validation and usage.
Built a RTE tool for several scenarios in production; reducing latency for 2500 messages handled by CouchBase.
Worked as lead engineer on the project. Independently led the complex technical implementation of codes and testing parameters on the project. Created a set of interconnected components(Web app, server-side app and a JIRA related bridge component) to help top-level management to properly monitor and better allocate resources for projects within the company.
The GM3s ERP Software is designed to make user companies more competitive and profitable using best practices. Worked on the “frozen-column” feature for the SlickGrid on the ERP which was well accepted by the programming community. It improved user experience on the grid. Redesigned part of the UI Architecture by introducing a set of well stablished design patterns and best coding practices that prevented namespace pollution, faster scripts loading and less resource(memory) consumption in browsers for the solution.
Identified several issues related to security, stability, performance and memory usage and implemented a better approach to fixing all the reliability issues which overall impacted very positively on several B2B applications; in terms of better security, avoiding thread contention and dirty states, meeting client performance SLA and efficient memory usage. Introduced AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) in a migration Project for better modularization of crosscutting concerns to achieve a better and faster coding approach.
Achieved one of the best scores for the number of findings per code reviewed during the first three months on the project. These findings were related to code smells, antipatterns or bad code practices used by developers.
Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer