Hasan N.

Hasan N.

UI/UX Designer

Dhaka, Dhaka Division
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About Me

With 9+ years of experience, A strong background in user research, information architecture, and user interface design. I am looking for my next role within a web/app or product design space to utilize my design/UI/UX skills and enhance user experiences within mobile, tablet, and web-based devices.

User Experience Design 12 years User Interface Design 12 years Figma 4 years Adobe XD 4 years Adobe Illustrator 11 years Adobe Photoshop 11 years Interactive Prototypes 11 years UX Wireframes 12 years High-fidelity Mockups 12 years Icon Design 12 years Website Redesign 12 years Web Application Design 12 years Web & Mobile Applications 12 years Android UI Design 12 years iOS UX Design 12 years Animated Prototypes 12 years Design Research 12 years User Empathy 12 years Brainstorming 12 years Mobile App Design 12 years App Design 12 years Sketch 7 years

Work history

Stack Learner
Founder & CEO | Manager and Content Creator
2017 - Present (8 years)
, Remote
  • Reached a 130,000+ audience milestone on YouTube, Facebook, and learning management systems, teaching people about modern development technologies.

  • Created the content and uploaded 1,200+ tutorial videos about the MERN stack on YouTube.

  • Managed a staff of 17, including five content creators and trainers, two video editors, two content editors, five mentors, a digital marketer, an HR professional, and an accountant. This is ongoing.

Java 8 JavaScript 6 Python 3 CData StructuresAlgorithmsDesign PatternsWeb DevelopmentReact Node.jsMongoDBPostgreSQLAmazon Web Services (AWS) JavaJavaScriptPythonMERN Stack Express.js
Full-stack Developer
Present (2025 years)
, Remote
  • Completed this project-based job and maintained it for a few months.

  • Built and managed front-end and back-end applications as the sole developer.

  • Implemented a complex filtering system to find the nearest lease using Google Maps and Prisma.

  • Built many complex forms using Formik and validated forms using Yup.

TypeScript 3 React Next.jsReduxReact DnD React RouterAxiosReact Apollo Antd PrismaPostgreSQLNode.jsExpress.js GraphqlHerokuNetlifyIntercomStripe Checkout Stripe API Google MapsGoogle Maps API FormikYupTypescriptFull-stack Front-end Back-end
Gemstone Lights
Senior Full-stack Developer
Present (2025 years)
, Remote
  • Redeveloped an existing WooCommerce store from scratch using Node.js and React on top of AWS.

  • Solved hundreds of critical business problems to shape all unique requirements in a single dashboard.

  • Created and managed multiple microservices on AWS.

  • Developed multiple complex front-end applications using React, Next.js, and Redux.

  • Grew the team from zero to ten members, including a back-end engineer, DevOps, and a mobile application developer.

  • Followed the Scrum framework and used Jira as a project management tool and Slack for communication.

  • Managed the team using Agile methodologies with daily standups, weekly sprints, and Kanban boards and issue trackers.

JavaScript 6 TypeScript 3 HTML5SCSSGitGithubSourcetreeReact Next.jsReduxReact RouterReact DnD FormikNode.jsExpress.js MongoDBMySQLRedisAmazon DynamoDB Amazon API Gateway AWS Lambda Amazon EC2 Serverless FrameworkAmazon CloudWatch AWS CloudFormationAWS Step FunctionsAWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Amazon S3 (AWS S3) CircleCI DockerAmazon Cognito AWS AmplifyJavaScriptTypescriptAmazon Web Services (AWS) MicroservicesDashboards ScrumJIRASlackAgile KanbanWooCommerceeCommerce Full-stack Front-end Back-end


Chat Filtering Application

A chat filtering application for my client that used Twilio to serve its clients. Requirements • Read and process chat history from the Twilio API. • Filter, tag, and assign chat sessions to an admin based on the record. • Send an email addressed to the admin for some particular keywords. Solution• Developed the back end using Strapi and the front-end with Next.js.• Customized every aspect of the Strapi CMS to make it work. • Produced several graphs based on chat activity.

Tolobi | A Property Rental Service

Tolobi is a property rental and lease service based in Canada. This service locates the nearest available apartments, rooms, or houses to rent. I dealt with massive forms and extensive filtering to build this application. I used Prisma and PostgreSQL for the back end and Next.js to construct the front end.

TILR Chrome Extension

A LinkedIn plugin that extracts information and displays available employment opportunities near the user (for logged-in users only). It was challenging to fit so much data into such a tiny space. I had just created a React-based Chrome plugin, and the firm provided me with an API back end.

Jello | A JSON Website Builder

A website builder that can understand the structure of a JSON file to identify which components should be utilized and where they should be placed. With that information, creating a brand new static website is as easy as one command. I designed and managed this project as a freelance developer.

Stack Solution Corporate Website

A corporate website with many images that manually cached API responses. While creating the site with Next.js and Strapi, I focused on making the website's response time as brief as possible. I wrote every line of code Instead of using any third-party tools to cache the data. Unfortunately, this website is no longer updated or maintained.

Multi Author Blogging Platform

A Node.js-based, multi-author blogging system similar to Medium. I developed the blogging features, including multi-level commenting, recommendations, full-text searching, an admin dashboard, and more. This was one of my early projects.

Form Builder React Application

Similar to Typeform, users of this application could create as many forms as they wanted and customize each form in various ways. They could choose from many options, including validation. I developed the front end of this practice application to gain skills in React performance optimization.

Ghost Blog

A blog website I created using the Ghost engine to understand Ghost theme development. At first, the website's front end used the Handlebar templating engine—the Ghost method of creating Ghost themes. Then I moved it to GatsbyJS. The site was hosted on DigitalOcean. This was a practice project, but I maintained it for more than a year.


Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering
Daffodil International University
2016 - 2020 (4 years)