Khaled Y.

Khaled Y.

Senior Full-stack Developer

Alexandria, Egypt
Hire Khaled Y. Hire Khaled Y. Hire Khaled Y.

About Me

Khaled is a passionate software engineer who excels at solving complex challenges using advanced algorithms and software. Adept at learning and adapting to new technologies, he has extensive experience building back-end server applications with RoR and Node.js, and front-end web applications using React and Hotwire. With a BS degree in computer engineering, Khaled is a versatile developer and proven leader, and has successfully guided project teams in the development of client products.

Work history

Mission Control
Full-stack Engineer
2022 - 2023 (1 year)
  • Worked directly with the CTO as part of a small remote team to build a no-code development, orchestration, and execution environment for trustworthy generative AI projects using Ruby on Rails.

  • Implemented a module that offers support for taggable models. Complex logical queries are enabled through the use of AND, OR, and NOT operators, allowing users to filter taggable models more effectively and with greater precision.

  • Assisted in translating product requirements documents into actionable technical specifications, enabling the development team to implement features and meet project goals efficiently.

  • Implemented Hotwire (Turbo and Stimulus) alongside TailwindCSS to develop a responsive front end, ensuring an immersive, smooth user experience and enhanced performance across devices.

CSSHTMLRubyRuby on Rails (RoR) JavaScriptTurbo Stimulus Tailwind CSSPostgreSQLHotwire Web DevelopmentFull-stack Agile software developmentBack-end GitDatabasesResponsiveness WebSockets
Colorado State Government - Colorado General Assembly - Legislative Branch
Ruby on Rails Developer
2022 - 2023 (1 year)
  • Collaborated with the project manager and product owner to create an intuitive Ruby on Rails app, enabling the public to effortlessly book tours to the Colorado General Assembly.

  • Empowered Colorado General Assembly admins to efficiently manage booking times and assign knowledgeable tour guides to visitors, streamlining the tour experience and ensuring seamless coordination.

  • Utilized Pundit to establish role-based access control for admins, enabling them to securely manage different aspects of the application.

  • Skillfully managed multi-environment deployments using Capistrano and AWS EC2, providing seamless updates and optimized performance for each environment, ensuring a reliable platform for all users.

  • Implemented a robust CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI, leveraging Git branches for environment-specific deployments. Utilized RuboCop to enforce best practices, ensuring high-quality and maintainable code.

  • Employed RSpec and Capybara to effectively implement test-driven development (TTD), ensuring high-quality, reliable code and fostering a proactive approach to identifying and resolving issues.

  • Employed Hotwire (Turbo and Stimulus) combined with TailwindCSS to create a visually appealing and responsive front end, efficiently delivering an engaging and seamless user experience.

  • Utilized Redis to effectively compute available reservation slots.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) PostgreSQLDeviseTurbo Stimulus Tailwind CSSPundit JavaScriptCSSHTMLFront-end Development Hotwire Web DevelopmentFull-stack Agile software developmentBack-end GitDatabasesHerokuAmazon EC2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Responsiveness Redis
Senior Full-stack Engineer
2021 - 2022 (1 year)
  • Collaborated with a UI designer to build a cloud-based music artist and venue-matching platform, connecting artists and bands with suitable venues and fostering a thriving local music scene. The project was an MVP for a new startup.

  • Designed and implemented a robust Ruby on Rails API with a PostgreSQL database.

  • Transformed Zeplin designs into a dynamic React front end and seamlessly integrated it with the back-end RESTful API.

  • Implemented a robust CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI, leveraging Git branches for environment-specific deployments. Utilized RuboCop to enforce best practices, ensuring high-quality and maintainable code.

  • Employed RSpec and Capybara to effectively implement test-driven development (TTD), ensuring high-quality and reliable code and fostering a proactive approach to identifying and resolving issues.

  • Utilized Elasticsearch to implement searching functionality for the available artists.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) React MUI (Material UI) Elasticsearch CloudinaryPostgreSQLCircleCI GithubTrelloAgile ZeplinHerokuSQLFront-end UI DesignJavaScriptCSSHTMLFront-end Development TypescriptUser Experience (UX) UX DesignUser Interface (UI) Web DevelopmentFull-stack Agile software developmentDatabase DesignBack-end GitOAuthDatabasesResponsiveness Figma
Owens Corning
Senior Full-stack Engineer
2020 - 2021 (1 year)
  • Developed reusable React components and integrated them with the Ruby on Rails back end.

  • Tracked and fixed bugs using Jira as a reporting tool.

  • Updated Ruby on Rails APIs skillfully, performing necessary database and data migrations and adapting to evolving business requirements.

  • Employed RSpec and Capybara to effectively implement test-driven development (TTD), ensuring high-quality and reliable code and fostering a proactive approach to identifying and resolving issues.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) React SQLFront-end JavaScriptCSSHTMLFront-end Development PostgreSQLWeb DevelopmentFull-stack Agile software developmentBack-end GitDatabasesHerokuResponsiveness
Max Plank
Senior Full-stack Developer
2018 - 2021 (3 years)
  • Developed and delivered a full-stack website for a game, supporting a research project.

  • Worked on four other in-house projects that involved back- and front-end development.

  • Implemented social-media authentication for sites like Facebook and Google.

  • Deployed the Meteor full-stack application to Galaxy.

  • Designed, deployed, and maintained a MongoDB cluster on Atlas.

Node.jsExpress.js Amazon S3 (AWS S3) MongoDBAtlas React CircleCI GitGithubGalaxy Meteor Front-end JavaScriptCSSHTMLFront-end Development APIsRESTful Web ServicesWeb DevelopmentFull-stack REST APIs Agile software developmentDatabase DesignBack-end noSQLDatabasesAmazon Web Services (AWS) Responsiveness WebSockets
Senior Full-stack Engineer
2018 - 2019 (1 year)
  • Built the customized front-end Angular components and deeply refactored the codebase.

  • Connected Bosta's back-end service to external third-party APIs, such as Pipedrive, for the sales team.

  • Created the CI/CD pipelines in CircleCI and incorporated continuous delivery practices in our team.

  • Led a team of eight software engineers to design and develop back-end services that support our complex logistics and operations, using Meteor, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose with TypeScript and unit testing, using Jest.

  • Oversaw the development of new refactored versions of our front-end React websites and the native Android mobile application.

CircleCI DockerTypescriptJavaScriptHTMLAngularReact MongoDBNode.jsMeteor MongooseAgile Agile Project ManagementCI/CD Pipelines Team Leadership Express.js Front-end UI DesignCSSFront-end Development User Interface (UI) APIsRESTful Web ServicesWeb DevelopmentFull-stack REST APIs Agile software developmentDatabase DesignAngularJS Back-end GitnoSQLOAuthDatabasesMERN Stack Amazon EC2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Payment APIs Responsiveness Data Visualization
Itihad Club (Inova, LLC)
iOS Developer
2017 - 2018 (1 year)
  • Developed a portal for club members to access the club's different activities.

  • Enabled members to view and reserve club trips, sports training sessions, and other activities; they receive push notifications for the activities they've joined.

  • Implemented the ability for users to subscribe to different news feeds and receive live news for the club.

  • Built a club gallery and a YouTube live stream channel.

  • Created the back end in Ruby on Rails and used Firebase to send push notifications.

Software Projects Lead
2017 - 2018 (1 year)
  • Led a team of software engineers to create the required client projects.

  • Designed the back-end APIs using Ruby on Rails to support the mobile applications.

  • Communicated with the company clients and delivered the required software on time.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) Agile Project ManagementScrumTeam Leadership RESTful Web ServicesAgile software developmentDatabase DesignBack-end GitDatabasesAmazon EC2 Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Software Engineer
2016 - 2017 (1 year)
  • Analyzed the original work of the office, which included a lot of paperwork and spreadsheets.

  • Designed a system that substituted all the needed paperwork and significantly increased efficiency. Previously, a typical day's work would take more than 35 man-hours. Now, it takes about ten.

  • Implemented the system gradually and trained the staff to use it while making it backward-compatible by automatically generating all the previous spreadsheets.

Microsoft SQL Server C#UI DesignUser Experience (UX) UX DesignUser Interface (UI) Web DevelopmentAgile software developmentDatabase DesignBack-end GitDatabases
Ruby on Rails Developer
2015 - 2016 (1 year)
  • Designed and implemented a customer relationship management system that helped maintain and track the expanding customer base.

  • Implemented a call management feature in the system that helped the staff keep track of calls for key customers and give comments on these calls.

  • Developed data visualization features, such as maps showing customer concentrations and graphs of different customer segments.

Maven Machines
Back-end Engineer
Present (2025 years)
  • Developed advanced Node.js features within a microservice architecture, effectively orchestrating numerous services across the entire system.

  • Crafted RabbitMQ-based RPC calls to facilitate seamless communication between diverse services and enhance system interoperability, reliability, and efficiency in a distributed computing environment.

  • Resolved critical production issues spanning multiple services by leveraging Amazon CloudFront.

Node.jsRabbitMQExpress.js MicroservicesAmazon CloudFront CDNRPC TypescriptAPIsRESTful Web ServicesWeb DevelopmentREST APIs Agile software developmentBack-end GitnoSQLDatabasesAmazon Web Services (AWS) Responsiveness Microservices Architecture MySQL
Senior Front-end Engineer
Present (2025 years)
  • Migrated the old website from Vanilla JS to React.

  • Built a flexible, customizable UI library for the new website.

  • Provided React training sessions to internal front-end and non-React engineers.

Software Engineering Intern
Present (2025 years)
  • Developed a system that queries and scrapes data from multiple shopping websites, processes them, then adds them to our back-end model to be viewed on our website.

  • Installed Rspec, a testing framework in Rails, to test the currently implemented system.

  • Implemented different Ruby on Rails features for the website.


A simulation to find the probability that two opposing knights would kill each other within a set number of alternating moves (starting with white to move).In the code, the black knight is initially in the top left corner, and the white knight is in the bottom right. To change the initial positions, change the initialization of these variables: int whiteKnightPosi = 7; int whiteKnightPosj = 7; int blackKnightPosi = 0; int blackKnightPosj = 0;and to change the number of moves, change this variable: int moves = 64;To try it out, compile and run it on any Java environment. The output is a double, from 0 to 1, describing the probability.

Indoor Localization System

Created an indoor localization system that analyzes WiFi signals from routers detecting your position from a preset of learned data.

Arab's Collegiate Programming Contest

Won a medal in ACM's Arab Collegiate programming contest, and was ranked eighth among more than 100 teams from all over the Arab world.

K-Means Parallel Algorithm

Configured and maintained a Hadoop cluster and implemented the K-Means algorithm on it.

Distributed File System

Designed a distributed file system that works using master-slave architecture. The system keeps multiple replicas of the files for increased reliability and handles concurrency and consistency.

Crypto Coin

A blockchain cryptocurrency using Node.js. The cryptocurrency was created as a side project. After running the nodes and doing any transaction, it is correctly signed and propagates to all the nodes in the network.


Bachelor's Degree in Computer and Systems Engineering
Alexandria University
2010 - 2015 (5 years)