Alonso G.

Alonso G.

Full Stack Developer

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About Me

Alonso is an experienced professional with five years of experience in the IT industry, specializing in software engineering. He is a self-driven and detail-oriented full-stack JavaScript developer with a focus on quality and exceeding expectations of both internal and external clients. He's also familiar with the MERN stack.

Work history

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Front-end Engineer II
2023 - Present (2 years)
  • Migrated integration tests from WebDriver to Cypress.

  • Implemented filtering using friendly usernames instead of IDs in OpsCenter-Systems Manager (client-only).

  • Updated deprecated dependencies and infrastructure.

Software Engineer
2021 - 2022 (1 year)
  • Developed and maintained a front-end app for a new app and service using TypeScript and React.

  • Built the main design system library shared through GitHub's private package manager.

  • Defined the software engineers' code guidelines on a team.

  • Reduced the bundle size of an internal app and service by 30%.

JavaScriptTypescriptPythonAWS CloudFormationServerless FrameworkReact CSSHTML5GitAgile GithubECMAScript (ES6) MUI (Material UI) AsanaBash Script CSS3HTMLFront-end
Toptal Client
JavaScript Developer
2020 - 2021 (1 year)
  • Developed an MVP of the app, using WebRTC, Firebase Cloud Functions, and React SPA.

  • Ported the web app as a desktop app using Electron and Electron Forge.

  • Migrated from Semantic UI to Material-UI and styled-components.

Electron OpenTokReact RouterNode.jsMUI (Material UI) Firebase Cloud Functions Cloud Firestore React Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) ECMAScript (ES6) JavaScriptNext.jsCSSHTML5GitAgile React Redux TestCafeBash Script CSS3HTMLFirebase Web SDK Firebase Realtime Database Firebase Authentication Tailwind CSSFront-end
Software Developer
2020 - 2021 (1 year)
  • Integrated the FullCalendar library with the legacy codebase, reduced technical limitations for drag and drop features, and styled issues with the former core calendar library. Constructed it to easier inject custom components.

  • Implemented a global keyboard shortcuts component that can be used by any component regardless of its input-based element.

  • Reduced the bundle size using code splitting techniques, including route base split and tree shakeable libraries.

  • Optimized most legacy class-based and functional components and upgraded to the latest version of React, all related dependencies, and deprecated APIs.

  • Split the core component, reducing its complexity and performance, and made it reusable for new features.

  • Improved Redux store performance using local-forage as cache and reselect for memoization.

  • Improved the UX of the OAuth (Google, Microsoft) and third-party integrations (Slack, Asana) flow.

  • Developed a guide to handle the z-index hierarchy across the whole app.

  • Added new features and fixed bugs on-demand using Asana and Sentry.

AsanaFigmaSentryMoment.JSChaiReact RouterYarn Workspaces Bash Script ECMAScript (ES6) Gin-GonicGoReduxWebpackChrome Extensions React JavaScriptCSSHTML5GitAgile React Redux GithubCSS3HTMLFront-end
Full-stack JavaScript Developer
2019 - 2020 (1 year)
  • Assembled UI updates, fixed known bugs with high priority, and refactored core components of the legacy app.

  • Automated the export of the app to Android and iOS using Apache Cordova and Bash/npm scripts.

  • Implemented API connectivity to Vendor SOAP API, designed the architecture and made DB migrations to support synchronization events using RabbitMQ.

  • Documented all endpoints related to Vendor SOAP API using Swagger UI and wrote unit tests.

Amazon S3 (AWS S3) RabbitMQRancherDockerSOAPCordovaMongoDBJavaScriptExpress.js Node.jsReduxReact CSSHTML5LinuxGitAgile React Redux ECMAScript (ES6) CSS3HTMLFront-end
JavaScript Engineer
2018 - 2019 (1 year)
  • Led the notifications feature, took part in planning, development, testing, and integration with a small team, using the feature-flag strategy.

  • Maintained and added features to our main product, a text authoring and course creation platform, using Jira as a reporting tool and Trello as a subtask manager.

  • Participated in decision-making regarding the design and architecture of features and the team workflow on every sprint.

video.jsElasticsearch Express.js Node.jsLoopbackDockerMongoDBVuexVue React PUGCSSJavaScriptHTML5LinuxGitAgile React Redux ECMAScript (ES6) CSS3HTMLBitbucketFront-end
Back-end Developer
2015 - 2016 (1 year)
  • Built and maintained an ERP software as a service for small to medium businesses with a microservice architecture using Laravel as the core and Node.js for heavy transactions and real-time features.

  • Tracked and fixed bugs using the Trello and Kanban board.

  • Implemented notifications and chat for customer assistance, using real-time technologies.

Back-end Developer
2014 - 2015 (1 year)
  • Developed the back end for an Uber-clone MVP that allows secure and fast user-taxi matching based on geo-fence distances. Currently integrated and used by well-known taxi companies in PerĂº.

  • Designed the app architecture to support requests of the two apps in realtime, also making it very easy to integrate with existing taxi companies.

  • Configured and deployed API for development and production environments to monitor app performance through log files.

  • Designed an admin dashboard that allows managers to quickly customize and maintain their employees.

Bubbles (Notch)
Senior Software Engineer
Present (2025 years)
  • Developed a real-time transcripts feature that increased the views/engagement and responses of long-form videos by 3%.

  • Implemented Template Bubbles, an internally used feature that increases productivity in conversations with leads and prospect users.

  • Triaged bugs that directly impact UX and media (camera/microphone) leaks.

  • Implemented a new layout on topics which resulted in making information more engaging.

Front-end Developer
Present (2025 years)
  • Maintained client legacy apps, making accessibility and cross-browser compatibility improvements on previously exported widgets.

  • Developed and integrated proof of concept of a content authoring platform to the client staging environment using the MERN stack, GraphQL, and Apollo.

  • Tracked and fixed overall bugs using Jira as a reporting tool.



A TypeScript-based app that uses user-input sources to generate enriched content for asynchronous communication. It uses conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) with a Redux (server and client) architecture.I worked on the transcripts feature and improved the UI, layout, and components for a "bubble."


A React-based app for time and calendar blocking and productivity-boosting.I worked on the back end, and front end, but I spent most of the time maintaining and adding React components and the Chrome extension features.The biggest one I worked on is the calendar, where we can block tasks, sync Google calendar events, drag in and out custom components of the app, etc.


A web application built mainly with Vue.js and Loopback.js for next-generation interactive content authoring and e-learning widgets creation platforms.I was a JavaScript engineer in charge of building and maintaining core features of the app, including the attachment block on course creator, the notifications service, the layers editor, the global files upload modal, and all of the components of the course creator, a key feature of the app.


Bachelor's Degree in Systems Engineering
Jorge Basadre Grohmann University
2012 - 2016 (4 years)