I am a Senior Frontend Developer with expertise in new web app development, maintaining and enhancing existing solutions, and delivering new services on projects. I have an eye for compelling UI solutions and designs - walking the line between frontend and backend environments and translating user and business needs into functional frontend solutions.
The HxGN OnCall portfolio helps public safety agencies of all sizes be more agile and resilient through modernized capabilities spanning call-taking and dispatch, records, analytics, major event management, and mobility. The solution works as an event management system for Police, Fire, Ambulance, etc., with features for call answering and integration with phone calls, and much more.
Worked on this project as part of my course completion assessment for my MBA course (the solution is iterated in Portuguese and not in English). The QAgil portal seeks to register businesses and facilitate the management of events, menus and waiters - it has other exciting features for users.
Developed this solution with React.js and Firebase as part of thousands of iterations made for my studies. The solution allows users to create a playlist and watch videos on the playlist conveniently.
MBA ( Full Stack Developer Microservice, Cloud IoT)