Work history

Software Developer
2018 - Present (7 years)
  • Create and develop innovative software solutions for clients across a broad range of industries.

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
2015 - 2016 (1 year)
  • Corrected a technical inefficiency that reduced memory utilization by approximately 90%. It is possible that this prevented an "operational risk event" that would have required monetary remuneration to clients.

  • Advised the group's head portfolio manager to increase exposure to equities during a minor market panic. This was followed by one of the largest increases in equity valuations in market history.

Bloomberg L.P.
Bloomberg L.P.
2014 - 2015 (1 year)
  • Maintained the input validation software component of Electronic Order Routing.

  • Suggested improvements to QA, Production Support, UX, Information Security and Operational Risk Management policies.

Rainey Electronics
Rainey Electronics
2013 - Present (12 years)
  • Developed a Linux system that uses multiple C++ executables to process H264 video data. It uses ZMQ for inter-process communication and PostgreSQL for data persistence.

  • Developed a GUI that runs in the Chrome browser and is built with JavaScript, Node.js and jQuery.

  • Authored approximately 50% of the code base.

State Street Corporation
State Street Corporation
2007 - 2012 (5 years)
  • Helped develop and maintain a framework of thousands of Sybase T-SQL stored procedures used to generate Prime Broker Export files

  • Helped add scalability and allowed additional clients to use the system by developing and maintaining the ATCS component of the system.

  • Helped ensure compliance with IRS regulations by scanning for patterns in millions of trades that trigger the Wash Sale reporting rule.

BlackRock, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc.
2003 - 2004 (1 year)
  • Assisted senior developers in the development of the credit risk management component of the company's suite of risk management tools.

The New York Stock Exchange
The New York Stock Exchange
2002 - 2003 (1 year)
  • Designed, developed, tested and deployed the connection monitor that automated the detection of disconnection events and presented real-time status of connections to the Operations team.

  • Provided time-critical telephone support to financial sector member firms during disconnection events.


Software developer, Sports Player
Software developer, Sports Player

Sports Player is a distributed system that controls what is displayed on the video screen; It uses input from high-definition mobile cameras on the field and can also display video advertisements for local businesses.

Production support, Order Management System
Production support, Order Management System

The Order Management System was used by group of portfolio managers with approximately 20 billion dollars in client assets; When the team decided to buy or sell a security based on their analysis of market conditions, they would create an order with the OMS; This would trigger instructions to traders who would go to the market to make the trade.

Software developer, Execution Management System - Electronic Order Routing
Software developer, Execution Management System - Electronic Order Routing

Electronic Order Routing is a component of Bloomberg's Execution Management System, which routes single name or baskets/lists to more than 1,300 brokers representing more than 6,000 algorithmic/DMA, program and cash-trading destinations.


BS Computer Science
Rutgers University