I am a Full Stack Engineer with 14+ years of technical expertise, passionate about Node.js & JavaScript. I've been involved in front-end, video games and back-end web development for a large amount of projects. I'm a former jQuery Core developer, co-authored O'Reilly's jQuery Cookbook, along with other fellow members of the jQuery community. I love to bring my ideas to the real world, as can be seen on the amount of Open Source projects I contributed over the years on Github. Among them are many jQuery plugins, one of them being jQuery.scrollTo that has been used on tons of sites over the years.
Lead Developer of all the company bots and several internal dashboards.
The biggest project I maintained was the company's Telegram Moderator Bot that monitors the +150 groups managed by the company, handling dozens of messages per second, automatically moderating them in addition to aiding human moderators in their workflow.
Key developer for the myriad of ad-hoc reports requested by clients or needed internally. I've been taking various projects ranging from analytics dashboards, to a pair of APIs abstracting the integration to 3rd party APIs.
Designed and developed the company's very high-scale, Node.js based, Demand-Side Platform from the ground up, running on AWS and bidding in real-time on thousands of ad opportunities per second, controlled by the in-house made algorithms making decisions based on large amounts of Big Data and real-time indicators.
Successful Database Partitioning: From a single table with several million rows, the end result scaled up to 200 million rows and 80GB without any issue.
Refactored the clusters of servers to be able to smoothly scale horizontally to +50 servers, handling over 15K requests/sec and keeping response times to an average of at 2-3ms (comfortably below the 100ms hard-limit imposed by the OpenRTB standard).
Full Stack Developer, focused on both the complex web front-end, the Node.js API and Ruby background jobs.
Participated in system design and specifications, program logic and flow-charting, development, testing, debugging, documentation, and support.
Hands on development of applications and services. Led moderate to highly complex programming tasks and provided code reviews of various development tasks.
I co-authored the book along with fellow jQuery team members. Contributed on two chapters: Events and Events Advanced. This cookbook shortens the learning curve of jQuery considerably. With these recipes, the reader learns patterns and practices from 19 leading developers who use jQuery for everything from integrating simple components into websites and applications to developing complex, high-performance user interfaces. Ideal for newcomers and JavaScript veterans alike jQuery Cookbook starts with the basics and then moves to practical use cases with tested solutions to common web development hurdles.
AmaZix's Moderation Bot has been protecting Telegram groups from spammers and scammers for over a year. The bot automatically detects and bans ill-intended users, quietly and efficiently identifying threats, blacklisting known scammers, screening for malicious links, software and content, banning impersonators before they can trick users and also aids human moderators in their job behind the scenes.
I handled the architecture and implementation of this Telegram Bot.
AmberAds’ DSP is a very high-scale, Node.js based, Demand-Side Platform from the ground up, running on AWS and bidding in real-time on thousands of ad opportunities per second, controlled by the in-house made algorithms making decisions based on large amounts of Big Data and real-time indicators.
I started as the sole developer of this very high-scale distributed platform. Designed the architecture of its 7 services, the DB schema and managed the 50+ servers. Once in production, we added 2 developers which I managed.The stability and reliability requirements were extreme due to its money-spending nature and scale but, thanks to that, it's been running very successfully on production for years now.
Created this Open-Source jQuery plugin.
jQuery scrollTo provides a lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling for the jQuery library.
The library is used in a very large amount of sites and is very popular on Github.
Technologies Used in Project: jQuery, JavaScript.
Bachelor Degree, Computer Science / Systems Engineering