CTO - Betterly
The Betterly app is a motivational application designed to organize an individual's day and stimulate personal growth. Oversaw and managed the UI/UX design and the visual attributes, including logos and brand guidelines. Formed the development team by sourcing and hiring key developers. Provided the technological stack and architectural decisions. Managed the implementation of essential features, which included organizing the team’s work in relation to this aspect of the project. Led and executed the app deployment and app stores submissions. Technologies used: Meteor.js, React.js, Redux, Cordova, MongoDB.
Sr. Full-stack Developer - Fooducer
Fooducer, a Danish SaaS platform for the EU food market, aims to solve several common problems by connecting food producers with wholesalers, providing an easy UI for the European GS1 food network, and showcase food companies for the clients and partners. Built a user-friendly and robust platform. Split system complexity into logical chunks for scalability and ability to deliver features at maximum speed via modular architecture. Led unit and end-to-end test coverage of the basic functionality allowing a reduction of system bugs. Technologies used: Node.js, React.js, MongoDB, C#, microservices.
Team Lead | UI/UX Designer - Levelup.chat
Levelup.chat is a web application that connects language learners with native speakers to enhance their language diversity/fluency through conversational interactions. Most critical parts were the real-time video communication layer and payment system. Implemented all back-end features, including payment processor from the ground up. Created and designed the application and the app UI and UX. Led the technological stack and architectural decisions. Technologies used: Meteor.js, React.js, Redux, WebRTC, MongoDB, Redis.
Sr. Full-stack Developer - Crystal.trading
A web-based trading platform that provides traders with the ability to track, trace, edit, and enter BWICS, bonds, and more. Managed the full implementation of the product. Built the software as a real-time updated table of BWICS and bonds with an ability to trace, edit, bet on, and mark. Provided the technological stack and architectural decisions. Participated as a team member focused on deployment and server infrastructure. Technologies used: Meteor.js, React.js, Redux, MongoDB, Redis.
Sr. Full-stack Developer - Levelup.chat
A web application that connects language learners with native speakers to enhance their language diversity/fluency through conversational interactions. Created and designed the application. Developed and implemented all app features. Designed the user interface and user experience of the application. Set up a WebRTC layer (STUN, TURN, client library). Provided the technological stack and architectural decisions. Technologies used: Meteor.js, React.js, Redux, WebRTC, MongoDB.
Team Lead | Full-stack Developer - Crystal.trading
Crystal.trading, an American SaaS trading platform, provides traders with the ability to track, trace, edit, and create BWICS bonds in real time. Developed UI with instant real-time updates and maximum performance. Created virtualizing engine on top of React. Minimized real-time delay with a direct WebSocket connection between clients, which is limited only to web latency. Technologies used: Meteor.js, React.js, Redux, MongoDB, Redis.