I am a React.js Developer with in-depth expertise in responsive web design and development on projects - utilizing working knowledge of different design patterns and industry best practices. I build reusable components and frontend libraries and optimize solutions for maximum performance across varying projects. I translate designs and wireframes into high-quality code for clients on projects.
Hoosterr is an innovative web development platform, building solutions with a focus on usability and performance. It helps clients gain better visibility on the internet - raising the level of customers in the process. Provided frontend solutions on projects for Hoosterr.
Worked on delivering solutions for the Everr Eat app, an online ordering service that brings customers and food trucks together. The platform allows users who are specifically interested in food trucks to locate vendors. The features display menus, location, operating hours, ingredients, drinks and the option to accept, cancel and modify menus in real-time.
Get5 is a standalone SourceMod plugin for CS:GO servers for running matches. It relies on the pugsetup inspired by eBot for operation. The use case is for tournaments and leagues with no manual actions from admins. The plugin is not invasive - operating within the confines of the CS:GO server protocols. Provided some commits to the project.
Fullstack JavaScript Developer
Team Tree House
2021 - 2021
BSc. Computer Science
University of Arkansas
2019 - 2021 (2 years)
BSc. Information Systems Engineering (Transferred)