Lead Product Designer - BauPioniere Job Recruiting Platform
BauPioniere is a company that focuses on solving current problems in the construction industry. One of the solutions the company works on is an innovative recruiting platform. Worked on everything design-related including user research, prototyping, design system, branding, mentoring junior designers, and even assisting in implementing the MVP using Webflow and Wized. Led end-to-end product design for the AI recruiting platform from user research to high-fidelity Figma prototype. Created and implemented a comprehensive brand identity, design system, and CI guidelines for BauPioniere's market entry. Delivered a dozen client website projects from concept to implementation including front-end development support. Established a design-to-development workflow, reducing development time by 40% through systematic documentation. Drove a successful platform alpha test combining strategic design leadership with hands-on technical execution.
News Feed Mobile App - SAP
SAP creates products that facilitate efficient data processing and information transfer across enterprises. Many businesses and professionals desire to stay current on news and developments in the SAP sector. The assignment was to create the SAP world's logo, identity, and mobile app, which customers will use to check the newest news and articles. The app ought to have settings, blogs, and news. It should be very easy to use and understand and employ as many native components and layouts as feasible and adhere to the most recent iOS design standards. The app will be more stable and require less time to create as a result. The project file was organized and layered in Adobe XD, along with a link to a developer. Developers may easily export CSS, assets (such as icons, fonts, photos, and colors) and view the sizes and separations between elements.
Chat Portal for Customer Support
A platform to post queries about SAP. One of the top software developers in the world, SAP, creates products that facilitate efficient data processing and information transfer across enterprises. A platform that will be utilized for consulting and responding to inquiries about SAP software is required on the market. Started designing the landing page and dashboard by creating low-fidelity interactive wireframes. Perfected the user flows and layouts and removed eye-catching colors, icons, and graphics to save time and money. The ability to see how the final product will function in terms of navigation and user flow made clickable wireframes very useful in the client's eyes. This stage of the design process reduces the possibility of coming back and making significant layout and flow modifications, which ultimately saves time and money.
Real Estate Booking Platform - Sun Spalato
Sun Spalato blends luxurious lodging and features with tastefully constructed apartments. Their residences are conveniently located in Split, Croatia, either in the heart of the city or close to the beach. The assignment was to create a website where people could reserve upscale lodging. The platform should have a high-end, appealing appearance and allow consumers to quickly and easily book a lodging. The platform should be responsive, and the design ought to look amazing on both desktop and mobile devices.
Chat/Team Management/Payments App
VeeaConnect helps businesses accept payments, manage staff and customer waitlists, promote the business, and engage customers. Created a mobile app, logo, and branding. Advanced capabilities like chat, team and queue management, reservations, and promotions are all included in the app. The difficult part was delivering an outstanding iOS and Android app design while including all of those features.