Konstantine D.

Konstantine D.

Senior Backend Engineer

Tbilisi, Georgia
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About Me

Konstantine is a highly experienced web developer and team lead with an impressive track record of designing and building sophisticated applications for a wide range of clients. He is highly proficient in a variety of technologies, including Java (Spring Boot), Python (Flask, FastAPI, Django), JavaScript (Node.js, Vue.js), and others. He is passionate about designing and building scalable systems from scratch with perfect user experience.

Back-end Full-stack API Testing Web Development JSON Spring REST APIs Databases API Development Java Python Git DevOps Relational Databases Node.js

Work history

Titan Engineering, Inc
Senior Back-end Developer
2022 - 2023 (1 year)
  • Increased the system's scalability by transforming a monolithic application into a service-oriented architecture (SOA).

  • Created and implemented a centralized logging system in SOA.

  • Developed a system to facilitate seamless integrations with third-party platforms.

BK Poker, LLC
Back-end Developer
2021 - 2022 (1 year)
  • Developed a robust scheduling module for tournaments.

  • Debugged multiple microservices simultaneously in the Kubernetes cluster and Kafka almost every day.

  • Created gRPC API for various configurations and fast communications.

JavaApache Kafka gRPCREST APIs KubernetesMicroservicesSpring BootContinuous Delivery (CD)ELK (Elastic Stack) PostgreSQLDockerJSONAWS DevOps Back-end API Development API TestingJPA
Private School
Full-stack Developer
2019 - 2020 (1 year)
  • Developed a front-end app on Vue for students' account management.

  • Developed a back-end app on Python and Django for content storing and user authentication.

  • Built CI/CD pipelines for each app, wrapping them in Docker.

  • Built an RFID authentication and authorization system using a Raspberry Pi connected to the server.

  • Created an SMS-sending system using Arduino, Python, and Sim800L.

Opus 2 International Limited
Java and Spring Engineer
2018 - 2021 (3 years)
  • Built a multichannel audio player on Java using RxJava.

  • Developed a multichannel web audio player using Web Audio API, RxJS, and TypeScript.

  • Constructed a storage server where audio content is uploaded during recording using Spring Boot and Vue.

  • Created an export feature for the storage server that processes the audio according to the user's needs using FFmpeg.

  • Built a back-end server on Kotlin/Spring Boot for the transcript management platform.

TypescriptWeb Audio API RXJSJavaScriptRxJavaSpringJavaFFMPEGDockerAmazon Web Services (AWS) Vue Amazon S3 (AWS S3) JIRARelational Databases Node.jsExpress.js FirebaseKotlinJava EEJSONDevOpsContinuous Integration (CI)Back-end API Development API TestingJPA
iSnipe (Georgian Startup)
Chief Technology Officer
2017 - 2021 (4 years)
  • Designed a scalable system for an automated auction bidder application.

  • Set up an AWS environment, VMs, databases, and serverless; performed cost optimizations.

  • Built monitoring services and a high-level alert system on serverless.

  • Talked with potential clients about improving the app's features.

  • Worked with the QA to fix existing bugs in the application.

  • Held daily scrum meetings, discussing the current state of the projects, upcoming tasks, difficulties, timelines, and architectural development strategy.

FlaskPythonSpring BootJavaAWS Lambda Amazon Web Services (AWS) DockerFlask-RESTfulGitApache TomcatIntellij IDEAJava 8 HibernateJavaScriptLinuxMySQLObject-oriented Programming (OOP) JinjaAmazon S3 (AWS S3) JIRAAPIsRelational Databases Node.jsExpress.js FirebaseTerraformCSSKotlinData Feeds SpringDevOpsContinuous Integration (CI)MongoDBReact Back-end KubernetesAPI Development API Testing
National Agency of Public Registry (Georgia)
Senior Back-end Developer | Team Lead | Project Manager
2016 - 2019 (3 years)
  • Built the front end of a geospatial data collector web app using OpenLayers and JavaScript.

  • Developed the geospatial data collector web app's back end on Spring Boot.

  • Created a web map service custom caching server for speeding up the map services.

  • Connected GeoServer, a custom WMS cache server, and a Spring Boot-based app for better mapping performance.

  • Designed the database structure for the geospatial data collector app in Oracle.

PostgreSQLOracleGeoserverTypescriptFlaskPythonSpring BootJavaApache TomcatDockerAmazon Web Services (AWS) Flask-RESTfulGitHibernateIntellij IDEAAWS Lambda Java 8 JavaScriptJinjaMySQLObject-oriented Programming (OOP) Oracle Database LinuxOracle SpatialPostGisPython 3 PycharmRESTRxJavaRXJSSQLSQLAlchemySpringCSSJava EEData Feeds React HTMLCSS5 Full-stack Web DevelopmentMapsWeb Mapping Web Map Services (WMS) Back-end API Development API TestingJPA
Full-stack Developer
2016 - 2019 (3 years)
  • Created a web app for operators to take surveys for a call center.

  • Developed a monitoring system that notified the support team if something went wrong with the app.

  • Collaborated with operators on the app design to achieve a good user experience.

  • Constructed the admin panel so that the client could customize surveys.

  • Implemented continuous integration and deployment using Travis, Docker, and Heroku.

Payo Pty Ltd
Java Developer | Team Lead
Present (2025 years)
  • Organized legacy applications, their Git repositories, CI/CD, production/development environments, development processes, etc.

  • Integrated Stripe and Twilio APIs for payments and messaging.

  • Drew the whole architecture of the existing monolith and planned on how to migrate it to microservices and make it scalable.

JavaSpring BootGoSQLAWS CloudFormationAmazon Web Services (AWS) CloudAWS Lambda Stripe API Twilio API FirebaseTwilioStripe Payments Java EEJSONAWS DevOps MongoDBReact Back-end KubernetesAPI Development API TestingJPA
Bank of Georgia
Present (2025 years)
  • Studied Oracle technologies in-depth and created the database structure for a test application.

  • Created an application for playing cards online with a maximum of four other people (native JavaScript and PHP).

  • Developed an Android app that showed the weather forecast.

  • Studied design patterns and designed difficult structures using them.

  • Studied and implemented object-oriented programming (OOP) and functional programming.


HTTP Server

I developed an HTTP server that supports virtual hosting written in C. It was a low-level socket programming for learning and improving how things work at the lowest level. Memory management was the most interesting part.

HTTP Server Load Balancer

I built a load balancer that supports virtual hosting and request balancing between back-end servers (written in Python). It's a learning project to get insight into how the load is balanced and how to scale the apps and when.

Arduino 7 Segment 4 Digit Controller

I built an easy-to-use open-source C++ library for an Arduino 7 segment four-digit controller. The purpose was to have a car washing machine that would turn on/off water based on the user's input. It also had to count money and show the time left for the water to flow.

GeoJSON to Shapefile Converter

I built an open-source Python library for converting GeoJSON code to Shapefile with UTF-8 support. When collecting the geospatial data to import it into some software, I had to generate Shapefiles from GeoJSON, and existing converters did not have UTF-8 support (the required language was Georgia).

Music Festival Interactive Map

I developed an interactive map for Tbilisi Open Air 2018, the music festival. It contains points of interest and supports routing, online location sharing, and routing.Technologies used: OpenLayers, OSRM.

Location Sharing App

Location-based social networking platform that enables users to share pins, routes, party locations, and other points of interest through an interactive map. With features such as color-coded animations, live location sharing, and more, users can easily keep track of their friends' movements and stay connected while on the go.


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
Free University of Tbilisi
2013 - 2017 (4 years)