WordPress Frontend Developer - Credit Card Insider
Credit Card Insider is a New-York based consumer education company whose mission is to empower people to use credit cards to their advantage and with confidence. The website runs on WordPress and WPEngine. I created a custom WordPress theme and built a living style guide. Managed to optimize assets delivery for the project and
boosted site speed by utilizing the latest best practices. Technologies used in the project: WordPress, HTML, CSS/Sass, JavaScript, Git.
Jekyll Frontend Developer - Domino Data Lab
Domino Data Lab is a data science platform that enables data science teams to rapidly develop and deploy models that drive breakthrough innovation and competitive advantage. The website runs on Jekyll. I managed the Jekyll static page generator and configured the CMS settings for the platform. I also maintaned the front-end for the website using the optimum technology solutions. Technologies used in the project: Jekyll, HTML, CSS/Sass, JavaScript, Git.
Hugo Frontend Developer - Westwing
Westwing is a “curated shoppable magazine”, inspiring customers every day with the newest trends, themes, stories, brands, and products from the world of Home & Living. The website runs on Hexo, Netlify CMS, Netlify, and GitHub. Developed and created the static part of the corporate website. Technologies used in the project: Hugo, HTML, CSS/Sass, JavaScript, Git.
Front-End UI Developer - Bozzuto
Bozzuto is a generationally-owned, independently-operated family business, and a diversified real estate company celebrated for developments, construction, property management, and homebuilding. The website runs on WordPress. I built a living style guide for the project and created more than 30 pages from designs and using reusable style guide components. Technologies used in the project: HTML, CSS/Sass, JavaScript, Git.
Shopify Frontend Developer - Huggable
Huggable is a US-based company with a mission to maximize children’s’ health by making high-quality formula easily accessible, from the moment you’re ready to transition from or supplement breastfeeding. The site runs on Shopify. I implemented a version control system and set up multiple instances for easier code delivery using Theme Kit. I developed new Shopify features and customized the website's Shopify theme, as well as migrated content away from the page builder. Technologies used in the project: Shopify, HTML, CSS/Sass, JavaScript, Git.