Stanislav is Senior Frontend Developer with 12+ years of experience in web programming and the iteration of frontend solutions; defining software requirements and taking the lead on operational and technical tasks in the implementation of projects. He can work independently or as part of a distributed team - developing high-quality software solutions that are aligned with user needs and business goals.
Championed the creation of elegant and functional frontend solutions on Slate Studio's frontend and mobile app.
Worked on code refactoring and render optimization; setting and maintaining a high bar for code quality and best practices within Slate's frontend codebase.
Introduced minor backend changes, ensured the feasibility of UX/UI designs and wrote unit tests for the codebase.
Identified, prioritized and executed tasks in the iteration of a shipping/order management solution that provides flexible shipping, inventory and account management tools for online sellers.
Provided software components (functionality, defect fixes, tests) and features as part of solutions during code review sessions on projects.
Worked on solutions to improve the design process and architecture of the client's shipping/order management platform.
Worked with a cross-functional team to design and develop a shipping/order management solution that provides highly sophisticated shipping, inventory and accounting management tools for online sellers
Identified the best tools and technologies for the migration of the legacy code on Teapplix's platform from Perl to PHP.
Utilized the right languages/tools for the integration of a shopping cart feature onto the clientt's shipping/order management solution.
Worked with a cross-functional team to design and develop a shipping/order management solution that provides highly sophisticated shipping, inventory and accounting management tools for online sellers
Identified the best tools and technologies for the migration of the legacy code on Teapplix's platform from Perl to PHP.
Utilized the right languages/tools for the integration of a shopping cart feature onto the clientt's shipping/order management solution.
Built reusable code, libraries and 50+ browser extension (Firefox and Chrome) on projects for clients.
Applied user-centered and agile methodologies in the delivery of solutions on projects for clients.
Offered support for different business package solutions and solved complex design problems; achieving the highest quality and efficiency for clients of KM Ware.
Worked on all unit and integration testing tasks for Motor Sich; providing support for integration with the client's cross-functional business processes.
Defined tasks for the client's SAP-based ERP system's integration build and tests.
Participated in presenting different SAP integration scenarios to Motor Sich executives; conducting system demonstrations and providing insight on how standard SAP tools can support business processes.
Front-end development, code review, writting unit tests
True Local is an online directory of Australian businesses with millions of people searching on True Local each month.
Technologies used: Angular, JavaScript, Apache Cordova, Gulp.js, Node.js, LESS, Ionic Framework, etc.
A shipping/order management software that provides highly sophisticated and flexible shipping, inventory and accounting management tools for online sellers.