Gabriel O.

Gabriel O.

Senior Frontend Developer

Mount Airy, United States of America
Hire Gabriel O. Hire Gabriel O. Hire Gabriel O.

About Me

Gabriel is a software engineer with 15+ years of experience, specializing in front-end development with JavaScript, React, React Native, Vue, Angular, Node.js, and Express.js. He has developed applications and websites for many industries, including HR and staffing, fashion and social networking, healthcare, and eCommerce (including Walmart). Gabriel is passionate about simplifying processes, inventing solutions, and following best practices.

Front-end Mobile App Development Mobile UI Data Visualization CSS Git React Typescript Graphql Node.js Vue Express.js Redux Unit Testing Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Work history

Senior React Developer
2022 - 2023 (1 year)
  • Worked on the UI facelifting of the dashboard using React, Next.js, and Material Design.

  • Contributed to the company's product improvement efforts by adding new features and implementing architectures.

  • Fixed bugs and tracked tickets using the Trello board.

Next.jsReact Node.jsAmazon Web Services (AWS) Twilio API StripeMUI (Material UI) PostgreSQLDockerGithubCSSHTMLAPIsWebSockets GraphqlUnit TestingContinuous Integration (CI)StorybookGitFigmaFront-end Development Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Dashboards Data VisualizationCI/CD Pipelines Communication
Guy Carpenter & Co - Main
Front-end Developer
2021 - 2022 (1 year)
  • Developed an internal back office tool that manages insurance data from scratch.

  • Used React, Redux, Redux Thunk, Redux Form, Tailwind CSS, and material design.

  • Developed the infrastructure of the dashboard and two back-office tools for different departments.

HTMLCSSJavaScriptReact DockerSingle Sign-on (SSO) Tailwind CSSNext.jsFront-end Architecture Application Engineering Front-end GraphqlUnit TestingContinuous Integration (CI)StorybookGitFigmaFront-end Development Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Dashboards Data VisualizationGraphs CI/CD Pipelines
Fashion Space, Inc
Full-stack Developer
2019 - 2020 (1 year)
  • Developed a social network for fashion designers, models, photographers, and all other categories surrounding the fashion industry.

  • Developed a hybrid mobile application using React Native.

  • Tracked and fixed bugs and tickets using the Kanban dashboard of Jira.

PHPLaravel MySQLJavaScriptCSS3HTML5Hybrid Apps Social Networks React NativeJIRAKanbanBug Fixes CSSHTMLAPIsUnit TestingContinuous Integration (CI)GitFigmaFront-end Development Mobile Development
Front-end Developer
2019 - 2020 (1 year)
  • Integrated custom classes with Bootstrap’s grid system using Less while following progressive web app standards.

  • Implemented industry-standard accessibility techniques.

  • Improved SEO by introducing server-side rendering.

AngularJavaScriptTypescriptBootstrapLESSWeb Accessibility Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Server-side Rendering (SSR) SaaSCSSHTMLApplication Engineering Vue Unit TestingStorybookGitFigmaMobile UX
Front-end Developer
2018 - 2019 (1 year)
  • Developed future forecast components that mathematically predicted future sales based on conditions in previous years.

  • Worked in an Agile environment with stand-up meetings every few days.

  • Developed and implemented highly responsive user interface components using React concepts.

  • Worked with Redux architecture using complex object-oriented concepts while improving app performance.

  • Developed a desktop version of the application using React and Electron.

JavaScriptReact ReduxRedux Form CSS3Agile UI ComponentsSales Forecasting Object-oriented Design (OOD) MUI (Material UI) Electron TypescriptNext.jsFront-end Architecture CSSHTMLGitFigmaMobile UX Graphs
T-N-T Carports, Inc.
Full-stack Developer
2005 - 2018 (13 years)
  • Developed an inventory system and contracting software for the company.

  • Built and managed an online inventory application.

  • Developed an application for managing pricing, paperwork, and contracting using the MERN stack.

PHPJavaScriptHTML5CSS3Node.jsMERN Stack MongoDBExpress.js React MUI (Material UI) Next.jsCSSSQLHTMLAPIsGitMobile App Development Graphs
Giftly Inc
Vue Front-end Engineer | Web Platform (eCommerce)
Present (2025 years)
  • Worked on migrating their website from AngularJS to Vue 3.

  • Developed the main header, footer, sidebar components, greeting cards, and confirmation page.

  • Used Vue 3 and Windi CSS for the front end and Ruby on Rails for the back end.

Front-end Vue JavaScriptUser Experience (UX) User Interface (UI) FigmaAngularLegacy Code eCommerce CapybaraCypressTailwind CSSTypescriptFront-end Architecture CSSHTMLAPIsApplication Engineering WebSockets GraphqlUnit TestingContinuous Integration (CI)StorybookGitFront-end Development Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Dashboards Data VisualizationCI/CD Pipelines Communication
Full-stack Developer
Present (2025 years)
  • Developed technical aspects of the company's strategy to ensure alignment with its business goals.

  • Discovered and implemented new technologies that yield a competitive advantage.

  • Supervised the system infrastructure to ensure functionality and efficiency.

Senior Full-stack Developer
Present (2025 years)
  • Developed a website that sells Washabelle's products, using the latest versions of Node.js libraries and packages.

  • Revamped front-end pages and wrote automated testing.

  • Oversaw the deployment process from staging to deployment.


Back-office Dashboard for Fashion Space, Inc.

A social network app for fashion designers, models, photographers, and all other categories surrounding the fashion industry. I was a front-end developer and liaised with the back-end developer to wire up their REST APIs to the app.

Front-end Development Project

Integrated GraphQL API into the website by replacing legacy REST API endpoints. I also performed search engine optimization and improved Google Analytics results, working in an Agile environment with daily stand-up meetings.

React Development Project

Integrated custom classes with Bootstrap's grid system using LESS while following progressive web app standards. I also implemented industry-standard accessibility techniques and improved SEO by introducing server-side rendering.


Coursework Toward Associate Degree in Computer Science
Forsyth Technical College
2006 - 2008 (2 years)