Sorin-Sebastian M.

Sorin-Sebastian M.

Full Stack Software Engineer

Hire Sorin-Sebastian M. Hire Sorin-Sebastian M. Hire Sorin-Sebastian M.

About Me

Highly motivated Full Stack Developer with 3+ years of experience working for small and big projects, focusing on optimization, usability, and scalability of software applications. I enjoy turning ideas into reality and have an ability to tackle many different technologies, from Web applications (MEAN stack, LAMP Stack, Vue), Mobile (Android-Kotlin, iOS-Swift, and Dart) to data science-related apps (Keras, Tensorflow) and AR ( iOS ArKit and Hololelns Unity C#).

Work history

Full Stack Software Engineer
2020 - Present (5 years)
  • Create and develop innovative software solutions for different clients across a broad range of industries.

  • Participate in scrums consisting of cross-functional teams, both software and hardware.

  • Ensure that features are being delivered efficiently and on-time.

Software Engineering Intern
2019 - 2019
New York , United States
  • Developed a platform for triaging issues related to Enterprise IB Chat.

  • Used GraphQL, React and NodeJs to deliver a faster way to access and explore data coming from various debugging services.

  • Maintained existing software and deployed/supported existing systems, ensuring a robust finished product.

Software Engineering Intern
2018 - 2018
London, UK
  • Adapted two Amazon S3 clients written in C++ & JavaScript and wrote a Bloomberg terminal function that implements CRUD on files.

  • Developed the containerizing of their storage systems into Docker and deploying them with Kubernetes.

  • Developed a storage API in NGINX & Lua that is compatible with Amazon S3.

Bosch GmbH
Bosch GmbH
Software Engineering Intern
2017 - 2017
Cluj - Napoca, Romania
  • Created a C++ Qt map visualizer with offline capabilities by using Open Street Maps.

  • Collaborated on an Artificial Intelligence project and performed experiments on convolutional neural networks architectures.

  • Assisted other team members in developing the architecture and design of new and current applications.

Software Engineering Intern
2017 - 2017
Cluj - Napoca, Romania
  • Developed and extended the functionality of an ASP.NET MVC app by coding a Progressive Web App part with full offline functionality & synchronisation.

  • Actively participated in team designing, coding, code-reviewing, as well as performed testing for new and current features.

  • Participated in sprint planning, demos and daily scrum activities.


Software Developer - Iron Coders
Software Developer - Iron Coders

Developed, an educational web platform that facilitates the learning of programming by offering specialised tools and resources: archive of problems with an automated judge, interactive courses, competitions, integrated IDE, virtual classes and a forum. The back-end is based on LAMP stack and it is integrated with the forum (NodeBB - Node.Js). Problems can be uploaded with ease by anyone and for every problem there is created automatically a thread on the forum (which is phpbb) and in this way the comment section was made. It makes coding possible without the need of an external program, also, in order to create a more complete user experience, this module is integrated with the ‘archive of problems’. Currently , C++ and C are available (the main two languages used in Romanian Schools), in the future of course that there is a plan to implement new languages.

Software Developer - ArRobotCode
Software Developer - ArRobotCode

ArRobotCode, an IOS augmented reality enabled application that integrates ScratchBlocks in order to provide interactive programming lessons for kids. Using an IOS IPad, ARKit, and ScratchBlocks I have developed a solution that uses Augmented Reality in which the user (a child between 6 and 15 years) has to complete an array of levels (organized by complexity and topic) in which his / her role is to fly a spaceship from Earth to Moon. This can be done by providing a list of instructions so that the spaceship follows the given route (and does not deviate). On the grounds that the presence of Gamification is mandatory for my target audience, by solving levels you unlock characters and achievements so that you get a sentiment of accomplishment and a purpose. Technologies used: Swift, SwiftRX, ArKit, Scratch Blocks, Firebase, Firebase Cloud functions.

Software Engineer - OneForCode
Software Engineer - OneForCode

OneForCode is a platform (Angular2, Node.Js, FireBase) that helps programmers split their projects into multiple parts and delegate those to others (especially for open source + the possibility of payments for users). When a task is delegated, the creator allocates a maximum number of Code-Hours he wants to invest (code-hours that he could have been gathered by first working on other users tasks, or by paying real money ).

Software Developer - Quiz Tournament
Software Developer - Quiz Tournament

A multiplayer quiz app. Initially it should have contained only logo quizzes,but then it spread across multiple categories. All the quiz battles happen between two players, but if another opponent doesn't join soon, silently an in-game robot is going to take over. Users can contribute to the pool of questions directly from the application (only after the submitted quizzes are going to be evaluated from a web admin panel). Firebase is used as a real time database and the players phone are going to subscribe to changes in their assigned game room. Technologies used: Android - Java, Node.js, Firebase.


Master in Data Science
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
2019 - 2021 (2 years)
Bachelor’s in Computer Science
2016 - 2019 (3 years)