OpenProject (Development)
A task-tracker (formerly Fork of Redmine) built with Angular, Ruby on Rails, and WAI-ARIA support. Led a small team of developers—participated in code reviews, estimates, interviews, and hiring. Provided high-test coverage—both unit and end-to-end with Karma and Protractor. Technologies: Angular 1.x, Karma, Protractor, Ruby on Rails
The Global Media Exchange (Development)
A media exchange portal that aims to bring together content owners, publishers, and advertisers in order to fill the needed gaps. Set up continuous delivery and testing with Jest, Travis, AWS S3, and Jenkins. Built a couple of microservices with Node.js. Bootstrapped and developed a number of embedded ad solutions with Preact. Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, React, Redux, Jest, Koa, Express, AWS
Wecuddle (Development)
A German dating portal built with Ruby on Rails, microservices, Angular, and Ember.js. Developed a live Node.js application responsible for streaming of live data (chat messages, live feeds, and more). Integrated several payment gateways and the Facebook API. Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Node.js, PostgreSQL, jQuery, Ember.js, Angular, ZeroMQ