Ivan is a skilled Software Engineer with 10+ years of technical expertise in back-end software applications, infrastructure, and distributed systems development written in Go and Node.js. He writes high-quality code that is simple, performant, and maintainable in delivering solutions on client projects. Apart from being a passionate software engineer who crafts reliable and maintainable software, Ivan is also a best practices advocate, open source lover, and disruptive company culture enthusiast.
Engineered service tools for the new microservice architecture platform of Xact.
Built and deployed 7 pure microservices using Go-Kit, gRPC, and PostgreSQL.
Worked on the development of a framework with Agile methodology for the black-box testing of the microservices using Go testing/quick standard package.
Designed and implemented visual search prototypes, MVPs, and platform for Visii.
Worked on the deployment of several components for the visual search platform in a scalable way.
Developed several parts for the scalable image ingestion system, extracting raw attributes and computing the human visual search attributes using specifications from the R&D team.
TheyWorkForYou makes it easy for constituents to keep an eye on members of the UK Parliament, allowing them to discover who represents them, how they vote, and what they say in debates – in a simple and clear language. Created the Node.js API of TheyWorkForYou using LiveScript.
Developed a simple tool that reads a Vuex state definition and outputs a JavaScript ES2015 file that exports the 'getters,' 'mutations,' and 'actions' object, which contains properties with the constant name convention (uppercase + snakecase) as their names and the Vuex types as value.
Designed a simple tool that reads the content of a directory (without reading the content of its subdirectories) and generated a JS2015 JavaScript file that imported all those files with a default export for an array containing each file's name and what it exports. They are assumed to be JavaScript module files.
Developed a tiny Chrome extension that enables the Chrome browser to show the table of content for the README section in the right part of the GitHub website.
Transformed the initial POC for a Golang AWS Reader solution that was useful for the professional production of a SaaS application. Contributed immensely to the improvement of the solution on the project.
Developed a generic HMAC signature validator to work on query strings and JavaScript Objects, useful for API vendors like Shopify, Twilio, Pusher, etc.