Full Stack Developer - YoBabe
The project is a software solution with a microservice architecture. The
base service is a hybrid using the Slim framework which is then extended to a fully-featured framework. My responsibilities included Infrastructure setup, architecture design, frontend coding and development, backend development, deployment, testing, system administration, marketing, and PR planning (everything except design). Services and technologies: PHP 7.4, Slim, MySQL, Apache, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Memcached, Mina FTP, Custom CDN, React socket-based WebSocket service, Supervisor, Mailgun, ES6 custom frontend framework, SASS, Custom DB query builder, PHP DI, REST, Twig, SSL (lets encrypt), deployed on DIgitalOcean.
Senior PHP Developer - PhotonCMS
The project was a Headless CMS. You build your CMS through an admin panel and integrate it into your frontend. Services and technologies used: Laravel5, PHP7, MySQL, Memcached, REST, Slate. The scope of work was to develop a new version of the software. Developed the backend part and documented the API.
Team Lead/Senior PHP Developer - Sugardaddy
The project was a Sugardaddy-model-based dating website using a hybrid monolith/microservice architecture. Services and technologies:
PHP5.6, MySQL, REST, Elasticsearch, Memcached, Supervisord, Pusher, RabbitMQ, Redis, Laravel (frontend), HTML5, SASS, core application on a custom framework (backend), custom ES6 framework, Gdeployer, Vagrant, a variety of custom packages and services. Scope of work: Team lead, full-stack developer, deployment, system administration, project management.