I developed a WordPress custom theme project from scratch, using Site Origin as the theme builder per the requirements. I built a custom block in Site Origin with all the options for each section of the site, allowing the client to manage the site with ease. I used SCSS to make the CSS-like color, font, background image, and other elements dynamic. I developed the theme based on the OOPs programming concept, and all the code was organized that way. The front-end experiences were built to be tight, forward-thinking, responsive, and scalable. The back end was developed so that clients can change anything related to the theme with ease.
A custom theme, using the Gutenberg Page Builder and Advanced Customer Fields (ACF), in a WordPress Multisite project. The best part of this project is that the single theme is being used to run six different sites. The back end was developed in such a way that clients can change anything for each respective site with ease. I used SCSS to make the CSS dynamic so that clients can change the color, font, font style, and other elements, according to their needs. I ensured that the theme is responsive to allow for consistent styling across all platforms and browsers. Each site has its own color and custom post type, and the back end was developed in such a way that users can manage the color theme with ease and can turn on the custom post type for each site. I developed Ajax search functionality, allowing users to search any post based on various parameters.
Millennium | Online Food Delivery App
An online food ordering app using Laravel and the InfyOm package to build the back end and APIs. It includes separate logins, APIs, and interfaces for vendors, customers, and delivery people. Vendors can add restaurant details along with their respective food and food categories. I integrated PayPal and Razorpay, Google Cloud API for real-time maps and locations, and Firestore to provide real-time data to assign nearby drivers and for delivery people to fetch. The notification module allows users, vendors, and delivery people to receive real-time notifications for any order or event. All the reports and payouts for vendors and delivery people can be fetched from the back end.
WordPress SEO Scan Plugin
A WordPress plugin that's used to generate an SEO score and downloadable report for any site. The plugin scans each element required for SEO, such as favicons, headings, and alt tags, and provides scores according to the errors received on the scan.
SaaS | User Profile
A Core PHP SaaS project developed in an MVC structure, allowing users to create their profiles using the different blocks. I integrated payment modules and developed a real-time preview, allowing users to see how their profiles look before saving them.