Joomla PHP Developer - Zwetschke
Developed the official website of a company specializing in large transports with overhangs and spreading. Managed the entire development from scratch; converting PSDs to HTML5/CSS3, a fully responsive web design, frontend development, backend development and
Joomla administration.
Codeigniter PHP Developer - Connecto
Connecto offers accommodation and transportation services for passengers across Europe. It facilitates easy bookings, and makes cozy vehicles available to fulfill all customer requirements. Worked on the development of different internal company websites: Drivers UI, accommodations website, taxi renting websites, and provided consultancy on
Google API integration for the marketing department.
Web Developer - Crobooking is a web portal for renting different kinds of accommodation across Croatia. It offers easy booking of accommodation, sending inquiries to owners and an Admin UI for owners with price management, gallery, video and detailed description of their properties. Worked on the development of the entire website, the redesign and partial development of a related web portal Punta Salvia, SEO optimization of the website, online marketing, Google Analytics and Adwords API. Developed an Android App Crobooking Reservation Manager in Java using a JSON API, a
Customer Price System Management, a
Paypal API implementation of payment for a related portal Punta Salvia.
Magento PHP Developer - Inklang
This is a Magento E-commerce solution with a web shop which sells sound speakers and related equipment. Customers can easily configure and build the appearance of their sound speakers and add the name they want on the back of the speakers before making a purchase. Developed part of the Magento theme design, redesigned the extending configurator for the central speaker and integrated the changes to the shopping process. Worked on the development of the main configuration page, its modules, integrations and modifications to the extensions.
Joomla PHP Developer - Hasen-braeu
This is the official website of a recognized German brewery (beer factory) of Hasen beer. Worked on the entire development process from scratch, providing expertise for converting PSDs to HTML5/CSS3, design of a fully responsive web application, frontend and backend development, and Joomla administration.
Laravel/Web Developer - L'Image
Developed a web solution for a company with a chain of physiotherapy and rehabilitation centers. Worked on the entire backend development of the main Administration UI in Laravel 5 PHP Framework and on some frontend adjustments and modifications.
Magento PHP Developer - Medaktiv Reha Gmbh
Developed a Magento e-commerce solution for Medaktiv. The web shop sells different kinds of sculptures for dolls and the related equipment required to provide quality training to hairdressers. The company is one of the top three worldwide providers in their professional area. The shop is their primary source of marketing, primary selling place and contact to the world.
Developed the main payment solutions, Magento theme design/redesign, implementation of different email templates, various coupon code discounts, modules and extensions (user type restrictions, adding delivery date options and evidence in various parts of the Admin portal. Fixed bugs, made modifications according to client requirements, and set up the shop according to business requirement.