Asim R.

Asim R.

Senior Software Engineer

New York, United States of America
Hire Asim R. Hire Asim R. Hire Asim R.

About Me

Asim comes on board with 15+ years of experience managing, leading, and supporting project implementation technologies for multiple companies from different industries. He specializes in gathering functional requirements, ground-up design development, implementation, testing, and maintenance of software solutions. Asim is proficient in wireframing, software architecture, databases, cloud infrastructure, Scrum, Spring Boot, DevOps, container management, migration, and microservices implementation.

Work history

Senior Software Developer
2018 - Present (7 years)
  • Delivering CI/CD as part of an Agile team to improve performance by automating and streamlining operations and processes.

  • Helping build and improve infrastructure, application, and performance development and ensuring tight security including data encryption, security groups, and environmental scanning.

  • Ensuring high-quality deliverables and implementing DevOps and security best practices in fast-paced environments.

Lead Developer
2019 - Present (6 years)
  • Developed a mobile APK to load logcat data into the device file to be further used for troubleshooting device and network issues.

  • Developed Python scripts to measure the device battery temperature and store it in db for measuring the device performance over a period of time when there is a change in the device temperature.

  • Developed centralized Java programs to hear all test results and insert into the database, and that data will be used for further analysis of device performance.

  • Developed an Android mobile APK to test the bandwidth by running iPerf tests.

  • Automated the ATPI TCP UP/DOWN and other tests to run in specific time intervals.

Senior Manager/Projects
2017 - Present (8 years)
  • Managed the client, team, and meetings as a full-stack developer implementing microservices architecture for the client's application.

  • Spearheaded services for a Gradle project and configured the pivotal Cloud Foundry, Docker, and Concourse integrations for the application.

  • Engineered the setup for session management using Spring Redis, security using Spring Security OAuth2, and implemented JPA with Hibernate using MongoDB.

Tech Lead
2015 - 2017 (2 years)
Atlanta, USA
  • Maintained the DEV, QA UAT, and Prod environments in the Cloud Foundry.

  • Configured and monitored no downtime deployments for Blue Green and managed all Yahoo and Google feedback loops.

  • Created an integrated DevOps open tool chain to enable smooth tool integration, continuous integration, and DevOps Insights.

Chase Bank
Chase Bank
Senior Software Engineer
2013 - 2014 (1 year)
Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
  • Architected an automated solution and managed developer resources sprint schedules using release management and CI/CD.

  • Integrated CI/CD and managed sprint plans and build and deployment processes.

  • Provided recommendations on how the technology stack and implementation impact performance.

Accenture / Chase Bank Ohio
Accenture / Chase Bank Ohio
Senior Business and Systems Integration Consultant
2013 - 2014 (1 year)
  • Developed a database deployment strategy using Flyway and Liquid Base.

  • Used GWT, J2EE, and Shell Scripting to develop the core framework for the client.

  • Designed and architected an automation solution and managed resources for sprint schedules using release management and CI/CD.

Accenture / State of New York
Accenture / State of New York
Senior Business and Systems Integration Consultant
2012 - 2013 (1 year)
  • Managed 37 Virtual Machines assigned to different users to help them gain credentials onto the system.

  • Created automated deployment scripts for the Oracle WebLogic and installed software like SiteMinder for single sign-in on the Oracle DB and WebLogic portal.

  • Led and managed the offshore team, scripting for CM, build, deployment activities, Ant, Maven, Shell Scripting, etc.

Accenture / Cox Communications
Accenture / Cox Communications
Senior Business and Systems Integration Consultant
2011 - 2012 (1 year)
  • Configured the Juniper VPN using Selenium to access outsourced repositories and managed all Git and SVN configurations to transfer files to Cox Servers.

  • Optimized the Git repository by identifying only the minimal resources needed.

  • Managed and worked on the deployment of IBM FileNet P8 Content Engines with Database Oracle 11g and Data Persistence Frameworks using myBatis for the client.

Software Engineer
2011 - 2012 (1 year)
  • Defined all development environment specifications for implementation.

  • Integrated technologies from 3 different vendors to meet business objectives.

  • Reviewed all technical architecture and system designs, performed search engine optimization, improved stakeholder communication, and streamlined process automation.

Fox News
Fox News
Applications Architect
2008 - 2011 (3 years)
  • Programmed all the logic used to add, sort, and blacklist comments within Java.

  • Programmed controller code to return candidate data according to the requirements given by parameters using MVC.

  • Developed a new lightweight custom CMS using Jackrabbit JCR 170 and managed the loading of various entities.

Financial Applications Developer
2007 - 2008 (1 year)
  • Implemented the redesign of the financial section of and all of its sidebar pages.

  • Created search for the pages for a specific company ticker and view stock and analysis information.

  • Worked with Vendor Audit Integrity to design and program accounting risk financial analysis for public companies.

Health Benefits Research and Services
Health Benefits Research and Services
Software Developer
2002 - 2005 (3 years)
United States
  • Created a login/logout portal and registry for clients and administrative users with JSP, Servlets, and MySQL RDBMS and used SSL and MD5 encryption to protect passwords and user accounts.

  • Used JavaScript for client-side validation of form fields and coded MVC Servlet strategies to handle navigation to successive JSPs for the client.

  • Employed JUnit and HttpUnit for all test-driven developments and automated incremental tests with Ant, generating nightly builds for the system.


Senior Manager/Projects - PAL CDE
Senior Manager/Projects - PAL CDE

Implemented the background jobs for the application using AMQP and instructed RabbitMQ to trigger the job to perform the jobs when receiving the message. Compared AMQP to other database solutions for the client. Configured and used Nginx as a local load-balancer and Spring Redis as a session store and used Netflix Eureka to provide a service registry and make apps more discoverable. Used Hystrix to manage Netflix’s latency and fault-tolerance library and provided analysis and converted the Struts application to a Spring Boot application. Migrated apps from Maven to Gradle, implemented Spring Security using OAuth2 and SSO, and set up Spring Cloud Config to provide server and client-side support for externalized configuration in distributed systems. The Config Server provided a central solution for the management of external properties. Developed multiple jars, breaking monolith into components. Developed a microservice architecture with a single application as suite for small services, each running on its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms. Used Kotlin to clean up syntax and enabled good compiler as a great choice to modernize existing applications.

Lead Developer - 5G ATPI
Lead Developer - 5G ATPI

ATPI is an automated test run over the network to measure the speed and bandwidth of 5G networks and mobile phone testing. These IoT-based platforms are connected with Raspberry Pi by using a USB hub for connecting Raspberry Pi hardware modules located in different locations. Developed a mobile APK to load the logcat data into the device file, and that data will be further used for troubleshooting device and network issues. Developed Python scripts to measure the device battery temperature and store it in db for measuring the device performance over a period of time when there is a change in the device temperature. Developed centralized Java programs to hear all test results and insert them into the database, and that data will be used for further analysis of device performance. Technologies used: Android, MQTT, iPerf3, Python3, Java8, Shell Script, Android ADB, Raspbian OS (Raspberry Pi), MS SQL.

Senior Manager/Projects - John Hancock Project
Senior Manager/Projects - John Hancock Project

The John Hancock Project is a microservices architecture-based application. Implemented the microservices architecture for the application, managed the Gradle project, and configured pivotal Cloud Foundry, Docker, and Concourse for the application. Handled session management using Spring Redis and security using Spring Security OAuth2 and implemented JPA with Hibernate using MongoDB.


Pivotal Certified Developer
Pivotal Certified Developer
Pivotal Academy
2015 - 2015
BSc Computer Science/Marketing
BSc Computer Science/Marketing
City University of New York
2001 - 2006 (5 years)