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Top Xml Developers with UpStack

Nikola V.

I am a keen Web Developer with over 10 years of experience working on online games and stores, content management systems, corporate websites, and custom business applications for clients using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React.js, Flux architecture patterns, and Python databases. I am open to learning new technologies and work on challenging projects to provide innovative software solutions/app for my clients.

Harmin A.

I am a result driven Android Developer with in-depth expertise in CORE Java development, Kotlin and JSP/WEB development. I am passionate about creating and developing innovative Android applications, J2EE Enterprise applications (Web and JSP Servlets), and Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS/Flume). I am extremely flexible/adaptable, eager to learn new technologies and work well independently or collaboratively on a team. As a client-focused developer, I thrive on conquering new challenges and completing them successfully.

Radoslaw S.

Radoslaw is a Senior Python Developer with 10+ years of experience in the development of high-level software solutions using fundamental design principles and best practices for the development of server-side logic, high performing services and new features. He is an expert in web programming, machine learning, image recognition and data analysis. He is a great communicator - collaborating effectively on teams, discussing innovative ideas, integrating new technologies and testing new approaches.

Amar I.

Amar is an experienced professional with 10+ years of expertise in the delivery of clean codes on games and purpose-specific apps for clients; combining strong technical leadership with good people management skills on projects and adhering to technical standards, client requirements, and industry best practices. He upholds the culture of experimentation on projects; producing best experiences and constantly striving for improvement and learning on-the-job.

Gagik M.

Gagik is a Senior iOS Developer creating high-quality user-friendly applications since 2010 using Objective-C and Swift. He is adept with apps using RESTful APIs, audio/video streaming, image processing, and other exciting technologies. Gagik has a good background as a team lead/player on numerous projects and balances his leadership and developer experiences in taking on new challenges and ideas.

Mihovil R.

I have 10+ years of professional experience and technical specialty as a Software Engineer in Node.js, Java/JavaEE and IBM Lotus Notes/Domino technologies. I employ innovation, service excellence and industry best practices in the delivery of software solutions for clients. I am an avid learner and strive to educate myself through technical courses, seminars, and professional certifications.

Andrey S.

I am an expert Fullstack Developer with over 10 years of experience using LiveScript, F#, Haskell, and Ocaml to create innovative software solutions for clients. I specialize in developing creative designs, UX/UI, app concepts, and app structures. I run an open source project with over 122k downloads and consistently deliver sound technical solutions to clients.

Dmitry P.

Dmitry is a top-notch developer with over twenty years of experience creating .NET web applications. He mostly deals with ASP.NET Core and Blazor (C#, .NET Core) software development and architecture design these days. Dmitry has received the Microsoft MVP (Developer Technologies) Award 9 times and is a capable community leader. He has also received a Master of Science degrees in computer science and structural geology and modeling. Clients call him "The Coding Machine."

Oleg D.

Oleg is an experienced developer with an extensive background in client-side web applications (Angular/React + (S)CSS and TypeScript), server-side web applications, and REST APIs using Node.js or ASP.NET Core. He brings creative designs into reality on web pages/web applications, creates rich interface experiences, and develops real-time web applications. Oleg is passionate about coding and has 10+ years of experience writing complex and clean code. He enjoys working on large-scale projects, with high-end professionals, and with a clear vision of the finished product, creating and delivering outstanding solutions that directly align with clients' business objectives.

Kevin N.

I am a dynamic professional with more than 16 years experience as a full stack software developer. Throughout my career, I participated in numerous complex projects including the design and development of the Open Worldcat project for the world renown company OCLC, Architecture and development on the Huntington OAO project as well as the Huntington Mobile Project and several independent J2EE/Java Point of Concept Web Applications. I specialize in Java/J2EE, web application development, Android mobile development, and am an avid learner of new and emerging technologies. As a client-focused developer, I thrive working on challenging projects with a great purpose.

Hire Xml Developers with UpStack

Hire a highly skilled Xml developer and improve your company with UpStack. The proper candidate should be practical, experienced, responsible and receptive, or your project could get behind. UpStack resolves your hiring troubles by matching your company with vetted senior level Xml programmers. Our highly effective matching process uses advanced artificial intelligence that finds your business an ideal prospect for your forthcoming project. Our blend of A.I. and personal interviews assures an incredible match for your development team. Our ultimate goal is to help you find a Xml developer that can contribute to your organization right away. Through the years we have refined our hiring process, and is now trusted by top startups country wide. Begin your hiring process with UpStack now and start adding talented developers to your staff.

Hiring a Xml developer with upstack couldn't be simpler with our capacity to intelligently match you to the right developer. With UpStack the hiring process is streamlined and takes hours instead of weeks to choose a Xml programmer. Our matching program and expert team will save you time and gets any project started swiftly. UpStack has taken every consideration into account, from the developers availability to the time zone difference between you and the programmer. We're not searching for a good developer fit, we're looking for the perfect one. Simply tell us what skills you're searching for and an UpStack specialist will contact you, it's that easy.

They trust Our Xml Developers

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Why hire a Xml developer with UpStack

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    Top Xml talent pre-vetted for a perfect fit.

    Our 8-point assessment evaluation ensures that every senior Xml developer you interview exceeds expectations across technical, cultural, and language criteria.

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    Hire reliable, passionate Xml developers.

    From late-night sprints to jumping on a last-minute face-to-face, we ensure that your recruits are down to get the job done right.

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    Risk-free 14-day trial.

    Confidently onboard candidates with our no-questions-asked trial period. We'll walk you through the contract-to-hire process if and when you're ready to make it permanent with your new Xml engineer.

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    Our Client Success Experts provide white-glove service.

    Stay laser-focused on your business goals while our team of experts curates potential candidates and manages seamless programmer onboarding.

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    Build your optimal team confidently, quickly.

    UpStack handles everything including background and reference checks, legal issues, and more. Our platform streamlines billing, timesheets, and payment all in one easy-to-access place.

  • Schedule a call with a Client Success Expert to get starting hiring a Xml developer.

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Hire from the Best.

Working with our Client Success Experts, we'll help you build the remote team of your dreams with top Xml talent from around the world.

Pre-vetted, reliable Xml developers are standing by. Learn more about us and why UpStack is one of the best toptal alternatives.

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Smiling UpStack Xml Developer

Hiring Xml Developers | FAQs

  • How much does it cost to hire a Xml developer?

    UpStack has a simple billing model where each Xml developer has a standard hourly rate averaging between $65-$75 per hour. Rates are based on skills, knowledge, and experience, and our developers are available mainly for full-time engagement (40 hours per week) and the occasional part-time opportunity (20 hours per week).

  • What is the process to find a Xml developer?

    You'll connect with an UpStack Client Success Manager to determine your immediate needs. Our team uses a combination of AI and personal assessment to short-list candidates that match your job requirements. From there, you interview, select, and onboard the perfect developer, all within days of your initial call.

  • How does UpStack find its Xml developers?

    UpStack's talent recruitment team connects with software developers around the globe every day. Each Xml programmer is vetted for technical, communication, and other soft skills necessary for a developer to successfully work with your team. Once vetted, the candidates are accepted into the UpStack developer community.

  • How is UpStack different from an agency or recruiter?

    UpStack's community of available, pre-vetted engineering talent means minimizing roadblocks to scaling your team effectively, efficiently, and immediately. Our Client Success Experts work with you and your UpStack developer to ensure a smooth and seamless engagement.

  • Can I hire UpStack Xml developers directly?

    Yes, you can hire UpStack Xml developers at any time, and with the same assurance of smoothly on boarding talent risk-free. First, we'd create a job opening on our portal. Then, we'd vet, interview, and match developers that meet your needs. If you're satisfied at the end of the 14-day trial period, at any time you can directly hire them.